Saturday, August 30, 2008
Yesterday was FUN.hahah. BEACHVOLLEY :D lost. Lols... But Jiantong's IMBA. Played voley under the sun and under the rain. SUNBURNT :O had dinner with jiantong and junfei before going home. WHeeeee xD while, fenfen's at my house now. gonna play with her ;D bye Friday, August 29, 2008
haha:Dnow must plan for my SEPT HOLS MON: volleyball TUE: WED: volleyball ; Chongyan teaching me science THURS: art ; Physics lesson FRI: volleyball SAT: SUN: art YEPPS, still quite free. BOOK me early peeps xD haha, text me kayy, MEVIS and FENFEN also YINGLING and baobeiix! i want to meet up with you guys ya :D HAPPY TEACHERS DAY :D This year's Teachers' day was GREAT :D hahah. came to school, played volleyball with Jiantong, huishan, junfei and fenfen. Had lotsa fun doing the sundance and all for one after that. LOL lol LOL Partied in class, and did PROJECT RUNWAY. Most unfortunately, i was the MODEL. SO PAISEHH! Alyysa was like: JIALI! thrash QUEEN! WHAT THE HELL? I think i look retarted with allumium foil balloons and strips of plastics around me not forgetting the straws on my head *&^%$#@ Pengfei like even more retarded can? haha he added BOOBS WTF? hahhah DAnce was AMAZING. i feel like joining the dance society now =X AH HEm! haha Went back to rulang! with yanning and nicole :D YAYs. EVERYONE WAS THERE lurh jiaqian jovina jerald justin joshua jiemin mevis zhixian carrissah jordanliuhao vivien aijie joanne sherra shuli cheryl xueli clara and alot alot more =D Played Volleyball :D YAYS went JEC saw sr and 3C people skating. haha went HOME! took 99 with jordan while the rest continued staying in JEC haha HOMEswethome. MUMMY cooked lotsa nice stuff for me today :D LOVES MUMMY;D Wednesday, August 27, 2008
End of commontest
Today marks the end of CTSuper disappointing. D: I hope my parents doesn't bar me from volleyball. I'm gonna be a good girl and study like mad next term. ChongYan will be my free-of-charge tutor. JIAYOUS! AND JIALI must learn to wakeup early. Been missing morning volleyballing =X I'm like WHOOPER tired recently. Ohh yar. Yesterday me and ChongYan was like at queensway at around 7 plus. Was shopping for Amelia's pressie when some RV guy walked past and said: "Wahh, ChongYan arh. With a girl, your girlfriend arh?!" *Rolls Eyes* - He was with two girls junior lar - wth? Had art today... as usual. Went JP with WeiTing. Ate ice-cream yogurt until super full =X and WAITED for Davy. Argh, he's super SSLLOOWW. Went JP then Bus-ed home together. He was totally suan-ing me for my CT. THANKS ARH. Noticed a cute guy on the bus though, bet he has a Girlf keep texting on the way. But yar, he's just another cute guy. I DON'T LIKE HIM. Celebrating LIAH's Birthday tmr :D LOVE YA BAOBEIIX! :D I told myself that i shan't think about him. I should have just let go. Forget the past, Embrace the future! he ain't worth your Thoughts, Your memory, your LOVE. Labels: he just caught my eye., Somehow Friday, August 22, 2008
YINGLING! Had a really nice chat with youMY DARLING ;D I WANT TO LET EVERONE KNOW ABOUT MY TWINN :D haha. AND I WANNA BE AS TALL AS YOU DO :D loves TO Twin :D PON tuition again. hahah xD Helping my mum do finger food today :D FENFEN! Why didn't you come! You missed out the GOOD FOOD! Honey coated cereals with nuts and chocos! Don't you regret not coming? xD hehhehs... RAINRAIN go away! lucky not going Sentosa today. Hoho.... Going town with JVS Later on at night! YAYS :D and i am still pondering about what to wear, the girls i think they wearing till Whoopper nice. Thought of wearing shorts =x NOW I CAN'T. rahhs... Anyways, JUST realised the dinner family grew from TWO to FOUR, haha. Now every tues and fri after CCA, ME, seowrong, fenfen, and GEN will eat tgt :D Woots. to her BOYF: and WE are not IMMATURE, we love fooling around but we can be serious too. Treat us like Childish foolish girls? *LAUGHS back at you* more like we can't be bothered. hey, don't feel offended. {HER} hahah xD Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Carving Attack!
CHinese is relatively easy today :DWHeeeeee ;D Totally Love today lar. Free Period like siao XD from 9.05 till 11.40 lar DID VIOLENT CARVING LOLS Like smashing(Chipping) all the plasters not needed xD haha Lessons, art. blahblah SAW SAM jie! and shaohao of cause ;D Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Libero ;D
Pictures as I've promised ;DSo lazy xD Only uploaded TWO haha.
This one is when JVS came back from sentosa :D The girls all hiding in the toilet. haha JiaQian Jie and ME :D with JO, ana, sam, josh, justin saw weiting and SHAOHAO too xD LOOKing forward to another outing!
Volleyballers sont jolie that means Volleyballers are PRETTAYE! haha xD GEN JOYCE and ME :D *notice the blue rings*
PHYSICS today is @#$%^&*(!!! It's AHHHHH Sure fail again though i didn't sleep this time. Damn sian. nothing much for lessons. Jeffry got flamed though, LAUGHS TRAINING didn't go as smoothly in the beginning. RAINED. But i played libero for the queen of court! Our group owns can? :D WHEEEEEE I suddenly think that libero ain't bad after all! WOOTS ;D
LOVES everyone; JIALING es JOLIE HER HIM ES JOLI YAYS xD don't know what i'm talking, LOLS. hey GEN! JOLI JOLIER joliest! Sunday, August 17, 2008
MUG and Slack ;D
have been really guai recently. hehsFri: Phototaking for CCA :D YAYs... then training was TOUGH! JUMPjump and more jumps! Arhhhhh.... I HATE JUMPING. Shuttle run, and stuff. Then did receiving when coach serve. WAS NOT BAD ON FRI! So happy ;P YAYs Went TOAPAYOH after that for nothing. HUISHAN that's very nice of you. thanks for wasting my time. Yepps, and jerian and Co will laugh at us. Just for you to have a glimsp of hope to see MG, ARGH. not gonna believe in you LERH. SAT ;D Walk till tuition teachers house and i TURNED AWAY Didn't feel like going at all lar. lagged and JP for an hour then went home. changed and went JE to meet fenfen(: I totally miss cookies and cream iLLUSIONS Wheeeee ;D then fenfen and i went to eat tau suan and kopitiam argh. got one guy called XIHUT in front of us. was talking about his name, hahah then fenfen say so loud that he and CO heard! PAISEHHH! then they keep looking at us =X YOUR FAULT LAR, wenn then she came my house, eat dinner. played volley in the dark :D when to art today. haha acrylic while the others did sketch, SIANN when home and waited for fenfen to come, had lunch and we studied ;D YAY. talk slack and then she went for tuition. played neopets! super uber long never play xD hehs... then JiaQian Jie came my house STUDIES!!! haha HOW I WISH that i'm DONE with CT ;X GOOD LUCK PEOPLE:D Thursday, August 14, 2008
Deprived of SLEEEP
LangArt test was OKAYY.Slept for 20mins in an hour's paper. hehhehs... SHUANG. Totally screwed Chem lar. Like everyone does. I mean almost everyone. except for people like YICHENG. haha Having SCS today. Erm, looking forward to my free PERIOD. CCA photo today! I CAANNNNTT't WAaaaaitTTT ;D YOu freaking PIgg! WHy of all people, HER! ahhhhh... She is so so WHatever Desppo Kidd BLEahs Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Start of CommonTest
Today MARKS the start of CT.Good luck to ALL! (: LangArts and Chemistry =X Weird combi xD hahah... CHEM! ahhh... BLESS:D I could be your Favorite girl (: Perfectly together. And won't that be SWEET? :D -favorite candybar LOVES! Tuesday, August 12, 2008
![]() Rush! Rush for time to revise! Rush for time to CHIONG homework! Rush for time to SLEEP! OH NO! Rush for time to play volleyball! TIME, TIME, TIME is WANTED! URGH. What's left Undone: REVISING ALL my subjects. Art Feldman[by tmr morning] Art Prep[by tmr morning] Language Arts Prep work[by thursday morning] Chinese hol hw[by tmr morning] SCS graded assignment[by tmr] What's done? Art ppt. YAY Lang arts A BIT err, definitions and introduction 0.0 FULLSTOP. And i realized my Efficiency is 1....2...3.... S...l...o...w... recently. i even SPEAK SLOWLY too. hehheh weird. me. haha Today's training was okayy... PT A LOt lot. Except for the fact that i strained my inner thighs. AND I RAN EVEN SLOWER THAN BEFORE due to that. AND I HOPE I WILL NEVER SEE THE CLASS PHOTO taken today. have a feeling that i'll look RETARDED in it. oh for heaven's sake, make the photograher crash his camera or something. RE-TAKE! Rahhs... PS: anyways, I ain't that short okay! hahah... i'm taller than people who USED to be taller than i DO. SO HAPPY :D:D:D YAYS Going to sleep now so i can chiong homework in the morning. Goodnight PEOPLE(: LOVES Sunday, August 10, 2008
Six+ps LOVES ++ Justin?
TODAYHey(: Went out with SIX+ps people and justin. haha. Not many came though :( JIAQIAN JOVINA VIVIEN JOSHUA SAMANTHA and JUSTIN. hahah Saw ZiJie and Co there and MRS AUDREA KHOO!!! SCARE the hell out of me sia. Fancy seeing her there. haha PLayed Volley(: Had fun TEACHING and 'anyhow' WHACKING hahah xD and JUSTIN CALLED ME SHEEFU His Chinese even worse than Jeffry lehh. Lols xD ANDAND it RAINED! SO SAD! Camped and beach station for awhile and we went to VIVO Took a REALLY Long time to change and wash-UP the guys are like 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... WAITing. Hehhehs *Evil smirks* PLAyed in the arcade. Showing them my LOUSY para skills hahah. the way the guys play damn funny. SAM is such a FAST learner. and She is also FAST and PAISEHHing! Not that we Don't want you to go larhhs But must say in advance right? Like, HEY guys! I'm going out with BOYF later. Err, i mean he's coming, so i'm going soon okayy? LIDDAT LARH and not 'Runs towards BOYF, RUNS AWAYY TGT' YEPPS. ANYWAYS, CAMWHORED. Uploading picts ASAP BYE! <3 NEW LOVE NEW HOPE NEW HAPPINESS(: PS: JOSH and JUST is OMFG CUTE and SHUAI. the rulang GIRLS ARE OBSESSED. and AH-hem. i hope they don't come to my blog xP Happy National Day? HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!
Erm, *Guilty* Hehhehs... Saw National Day Performance in school Wasn't bad. It was FAR worst than bad. Argh, boring speeches, lousy singers, and people who "So you think you can dance?" and *Nods* but they can't. Oh- PU-LEASE. Yeah, had a Very Nice chemistry remedial after that. Only Class who stayed back i guess. Damn Sian when everyone walked passed. and SAYONARA. *Plus Laughing at us =(* BooHooHoo. Supposed to go out with Volleyballers. Phone Flat. Couldn't find you guys. I'M SUPER SORRY. Went out with Weiting and nenque Instead. Hehs... *blushes* HEY PEOPLE! THE OLYMPIC'S HERE! LOVES! Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Reliving Memories
RAhhs! I can't upload the photos!DARNDARN. Yepps, Suddenly i started MISSING EVERYONE >_< Been really busy for the past weeks and VOLLEYBALLING all the way. Oohh, I miss YINGLING i MISS AMELIA, BAOBEIIX jia tiing, JMP!!!! SO many many people =( *CRIES* i MISS everyone. *drowning in my tears* argh... i hate secthree life. Waste SO much time of my life. I WANT TO BE WITH THEM! YEpps, and GRATS to CHONGYAN! DAVY! JUNKANG! all the baobeiix boys CCA LEADeR LEHH CHUISIMIN! You wear all the rings lerr! JOYCE and JERIAN GD luck to JUNIORS! SEYCHEE darling! Shuyinn! JESSLYN! RUOLING! 3D CCA leaders! and all all the other CCA leaders! YAYS! Yepps; and my ELBOW STIL&#^^!%^#% HURTS. ARGH. DAMN IRRITATING. ELBOW GUARD &%#%@#^% tight! i DONT WANT! LASTLY, GOOD luck for CHEM TEST JIALI! Monday, August 4, 2008
![]() Kisses are unspoken words; Will my dream come true? PS: YOUYOUYOU! I hope you won't know. i won't let you =/ You are SO right. hehs...
TOday was GREAT! FANTASTIC & terrific! WOOTS' How i wish Everyday's like today! LOVEloveLOVE(: Starlight starbright First star i see tonight I wish i may i wish i might First star i see tonight! LOve for who i am and Who you are. hehheh. I don't sound as if i'm in the right state of mind, do i? Friday, August 1, 2008
Unspoken Worries
Waiting for You to come hold my hands.And Bring me out of this loneliness. All those feelings just came back again. Terrified. Training wasn't that great yesterday. Don't even want to talk about it. >_M I just couldn't control myself. Anger. Jealousy. Loneliness all just keep coming to me. I Shouted I Screamed I Cried. Nothing could hold me back yesterday. Nothing. The feeling of being ignored wasn't really nice. In fact, I couldn't stand it. LISTEN TO ME, Will you? Went to JEC for dinner with Seowrong and Gen. Guess who we see? hehheh He seems kinda expected. ME and Gen giggled. HOHO... PLayed PHOTOhunt at the rink till 10PM Gen's Obsessed over that machine! LOls... Then we went home, leaving seowrong behind. Just came back from Uncle Peter's house. Learning math from him is like 1234567 Learning in RV is like ^%%@$^)(@ Lols. Going out with Peiwoon tomorrow bahx Anyone wanna play volley with us? (: |
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