Friday, August 1, 2008
Unspoken Worries
Sometimes, i just feel that I'm all alone,
Waiting for You to come hold my hands.
And Bring me out of this loneliness.
All those feelings just came back again.

Training wasn't that great yesterday.
Don't even want to talk about it. >_M
I just couldn't control myself.

Anger. Jealousy. Loneliness all just keep coming to me.
I Shouted I Screamed I Cried.
Nothing could hold me back yesterday.

The feeling of being ignored wasn't really nice.
In fact, I couldn't stand it.
LISTEN TO ME, Will you?

Went to JEC for dinner with Seowrong and Gen.
Guess who we see? hehheh
He seems kinda expected.
ME and Gen giggled.
PLayed PHOTOhunt at the rink till 10PM
Gen's Obsessed over that machine!

Then we went home, leaving seowrong behind.

Just came back from Uncle Peter's house.
Learning math from him is like 1234567
Learning in RV is like ^%%@$^)(@

Going out with Peiwoon tomorrow bahx
Anyone wanna play volley with us?

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SMILE. laugh. Remember PONTENG IhateSchool BrandnewWorld BrandnewWorld
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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