Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Went home with Nenque today ;D She's damn funny larhh: 'So how you with him ler?' 'Huh, liddat lorh. What can I do lahh' 'Haiyo... He still with his girlfriend?' 'Duh...' 'Go Snatch Lahh' 'LAWL!' Damn siao, she scare me when she said that larhh! Madd girl >_> Haha... LOVES NENQUE! Not like YingLing. D: What a nice twinn larhh you! You didn't tell me you're coming back to RV! D: Then I didn't see you ): I MISS YOU LARHH D: Monday, September 29, 2008
Oh my god! BABY SHOW now :DDDLast episode lerh D: I'm so going to miss the baby! She's really cute! Highlights of today: Mrs Wong: What if you kid tells you that he/she's going to marry a bang worker? ME: OMG? I think I'll faint larh! *SLAPS head* Just started on art, Hopefully, i'll be able to make it. God bless ! GOING TO WATCH BABY SHOW NOW WHEEEEE! Sunday, September 28, 2008
Can't be bothered.
LOVE never come easy.If it does, it wouldn't be treasured, Then it won't be Precious. I'll wait till the right time, for i know i've met the right one. I'm like so envious of old coufples, How do they manage to stand each other for so long. I think i will, but for the special someone ;D RRahhs... So Emo recently. All ahlian and fenfen's fault. You guys emo still pull me emo with you guys D: LMAO... I hate EMO, emo makes me sad. Makes me eat sweets and chocos. D; blahblahs; I wish to tell you what you wanted to know too. But you're with someone. I'd never go in between. Ke Shi Wo Hai Shi You Yi Gu Xiang Ai Ni De Chong Dong. This temptation, brought me this far. ONE YEAR PASSED. Who says my love for you won't last. I told you I'd prove to you. You said I won't last long, but I DID. YAYS :D Labels: one year and going on Saturday, September 27, 2008
Went to a wedding dinner yesterday at Fort Canning Park, The Legends It's the most romantic and sweet wedding I've ever since lahh! :D Yet the weirdest one too xD The lighting was WAY COOL. I was tottally obsessed over it can. The place was pretty except for the fact that there's no aircon, cas it's outside. SPECIAL WHAT. And the couple held their solemnization there. :D But it started really late. like almost nine then it started. THE I DO PART! OMG! When he wanted to say i do, a girl said no lahh. WTF! C But hello? People's wedding lehh! damn important to them lahh. Everyone near her was practically staring at her lahh! Andand, the bride wore a tube dress with tutu like thingy and the dress didn't even touch her knees lahh! It's okay, but don't she think that it's TOO informal. Please lahh! Once in a lifetime lehh. Not go town shopping or attending someone else's wedding! You should stand out, but not like that. Stand out from everyone there and not from other brides. Lols... The MCs... OMG. NOT GOOD. There ain't even the highligh of wedding lahh.. YAMMM SENG!!! Don't have D: I find that a MUST HAVE WHAT. Not mehh... But they have nice slides of the couples though :P Lastly, FKing hard to hail taxi there. DAMN... Took quite a lot of photos there. I LOOK FAT in my dress D: That's damn sad. Going to JianFei! I don't Care. Yepps, me and my xiaomei and MOM! MOM needs to JF too :P Shall JF together. and make the whole family suffer with us! HAHA I don't know. ![]() I want to know how you feel towards me. But I guess I'll never have the courage to do so. [ - Sit down and Cry - ] ; I guess that's how life is. Playing a fool out of everyone. Messing up their pathetic lifes. Then laugh at their helplessness. And do it all over again. OH GOD. Went grandma's house today, in hope to see my cousin that just returned from Brunei. I didn't manage to see her nor my uncle in the end. They went out -___- I waited, and waited. Did some thinking on art, ate my lunch, watched teevee. Blahlahhs, and they didn't come back D: Utterly bored by the waiting, went out to meet Fenfen :D Oh my GAWD! I MISS YOU LOADS ;D haha, para-ed, mac, dinner ;D WHEEEEE ... Then bused home :D YAYS... Andand, Fenfen's the one who made me feel so emo. D: ALL YOUR FAULT. HAPPYPILL DON'T EXACTLY MAKE ME HAPPY. THEY'RE JUST REMINDING ME OF THE PAST. WHEN I WAS SO HAPPY. IN SHORT, HAPPYPILL MADE ME FEEL LOVE. Labels: WHAT I WANT Thursday, September 25, 2008
The best damn thing! <3
Back from tuition,Quite on task today :O Surprisingly. Yepps, Chemistry Mole Concept. I think i can do them now. :D Andand, ate alot for dinner tonight! YAY, cas I'm damn happy I think :D IVY Aunty, LILIAN Aunty and XIAOLING Aunty said I slim down already! :D Quite long never see them ler what. ;D For those who didn't know, I used to be THIN. Then become EMO or something then ate hell lot. Then JIU FAT LOR... I hit 50 before. That was SUPER UBER SCARY :O But not noww ;P HAPPAYE I wouldn't wish for anything now. I just need sometime alone. I think I'm Losing Grip. Labels: Complicated. Thinking... Didn't go to school today D: Jeffry and Fenfen was both late! Lols... Jeffry damn funny. Was playing PSP when he text me ;D I LIKE HIS SEAT >_< I HATE sitting in front. D: STAYED at home, went ivy auntie's house, went daddy's shop, went shopping with mommy ;D Slacking at home now. Going Jeremy's house later(: Yepps, waiting for meimei to come home! Ohh yahh yahh! My blogskin looks more presentable now right! Don't care! Say yes! I added songs too.. Too free today xD hahah... Jordan said he's gonna start exams today D: JIAYOU FOR EXAM KAYY :D and to all Commonwealth people :] JIAYOUS SAMANTHA JIE, SHAOHAO! haha JIAYOUS Keqing jiayous yiqing :] (: Now i think i wont be the only one getting all the attention. :( To think i love you so. I don't like that feeling. I feel JEALOUS ED. Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Does fate matters?
I know my blogskinn suck.You don't have to remind me so kayy D: I'll change after EOY yar. I WILL. I like the background of this what, just that i have completely no idea how to edit the freakish white thingy. I'm absolutely sorraye for that kayy >_> blahblahs =X Ms serene teo called the art students to the dance studio today. I THOUGHT -IS she gonna scold us for making the art studio so dirty? -OR for my perpectually late work? -maybe it's something good? -i seriously doubt so GUESS WHAT She merely wanted us to do murals. SCARE ME >.< Kinda COOL, but i would rather give the thinking part a miss. I HATE racking my brains. URGH... PE WAS FUNN TODAY :D HAD captain's ball ;D FUNFUN :D Then played volleyball with MR TAN, jeffry and ruoling during free period. SUPER FUNNY xP art was fun. surprisingly. I didn't want to hurt you either. In fact, i was afraid that you would get hurt. But i really don't know what to do now. There's a him in my heart ever since year one. We are impossible now, but i just can't seem to forget him. I'm really trying very hard. I don't wish to lie to you. I don't want to be unfair to you cas i know that i won't be forgetting him short term. I wouldn't want to be with you if i can't love you whole-heartedly. I'm sorry for everything. Please, don't let me affect you. I never want you to feel miserable. Monday, September 22, 2008
l o l i p o p
My appetite is finally back after so many days xDThanks to mommy's dinner LOVES ;D LALALA Saw Keqing at JE again. ALWAYS SEE HIM ONE LEHH hahha, took 99 home as usual, cas of him -__- FREAKING TALL. -Don't grow ler lahhh... let your growing be done on me ;D - and he's being such a bastard on the way... Jordan's girlfriend how ugly how ugly... -he's just jealous cas now jordan doesn't go with him xD- [PSPS: SORRY TO JORDAN"S GIRLFRIEND] Blame it on KEQING! hehhehs, amd he still say i UGLIER Stupid keqing dumbdumb >_< LOLLIPOP is the sweetest sin Chocolate is the darkest seduction Gummy is the loveliest lie YOU are my deepest addiction. Friday, September 19, 2008
Not my fault!
WOKE UP LATE!Lucky seowrong call me. xD and i reach JE at around 6.05 am! REALLY FAST xD Played volleyball blahblah and i became sick sicker and really sick! went sickbay, slept. -the hot water bottle leaked! HOTHOT- Went back for maths lesson and langarts CCA! LOVES! SLACK THERE... I was the water girl and timer and blahblah haha, don't know why still so happy xP Then went out for dinner Or should i sayy see people eat. hehhes... NO APPETITE! AHHH, SICK D: Wednesday, September 17, 2008
TODAY :DNO CHINESE AGAINNN Like 1 week plus ler ;D SO HAAPPPYYY! LESSONLESSON! then went JayyPeeee STUDIED KAYY! then went to buy BUBBLEGUM flavoured bubbles and whistle sweet :D MET up with royce and mevis! MEVISSSS!!! YAYS SHall upload photos soon YAYS till then! Monday, September 15, 2008
Not my happypill anymore,MY favourite mistake. Cause he's someone else's happypill. But that's fine, he's more of a mistake really. Yepps, not going to tell him why though. ;D My dear fenfen, you see that, hahah. For real lar, and YOU better go school tmr. I miss you SOOOO MUCH. I ahven't been seeing you for 123 THREEDAYS! Miss your aggression also can lahh, for the first time i allow you to miss him lar so come to school kayy I want you to study with me :D Tell your mum You won't get attracted to me lahh You got aggression marhs... School sucks today. Totally no free period at all... WALAOOOOOOO POOPOO WANTS FENFEN AHLIAN GOT SOMEONE ELSO LER WALAOOOOOOO Labels: dub-lub Sunday, September 14, 2008
that's a fact. You're with her. that's a fact. we can't be together. that's a fact. i'm going to forget you. that's going to be a fact; REMEMBER this: memories are irreplaceable Went to SENTOSA yesterday ;D YAYyayYAY MEET Seowrong and boyfriend at JE. APPARENTLY THEY WERE BOTH LATE. -I have already mastered the art of waiting!!!- Then, seowrong taught me physics on the way to habourfront. YAYS! Loves seowrong! ;D Went to the hawker there and waited for more people to come. I don't know everyone there lar. Just ignored everone there and did maths. Then took the express train to SENTOSA! ILOVETHATPLACE! Played volleyball ;D YAYFUNFUNFUN! Then went makan at MAC and cabbed home(: Guess WHAT? I thought i was kinda lateand my whole family haven't even reach home yet. Urgh.. Was stuck outside house till 9 plus. D: TODAY :] Went art lesson as usual... PENCIL SKETCH TODAY ;D Then seowrong came my house :D STUDIED.CHATTED.PLAYED. Then went JurongPoint. Meet shaowei and junjie there. PARA-ed, ate sushi ;D HOME! SCHOOL TMR D: JIAYOUS JIALI :D Friday, September 12, 2008
YinglingYingling! AMELIAAMELIA! Do you guys remember this? <---- MY 'necklace :DD' WHeeeee... I MISS YOU GUYS D: D:D:D: TWINNY TWINNY TWINS FOREVER BAOBEIIX BEIBEI FOREVER! :D LOVESlovesLOVES Really bad days for me recently. D: MY GPA SUCKS D: I don't even wanna talk about it =x YEPPS... Whole class kena cauht for eating in class. -leftovers after Tcher's day partaye- -FREE PERIOD- -Those who ate were standing- -SiZheng(Chairperson) standing near the Tcher's table don't know doing what- KHOO: SiZheng! Stand or Sit? SiZheng: Oh, stand! -Carries on doing his own stuff- Khoo: (SHOCKED-can't-believe-her-eyes-Wth look) -then the forget-it look- _khoo aims at those sitting down people_ KHOO: YAORONG, why didn't you eat in class? YAORONG: I HAD SORE-THROAT. _ROARS INTO LAUGHTERS_ GOODJOB, YAORONG ;D I don't know where to go later. SHOULD I GO SENTOSA OR SHOULD I STUDY WITH FENFEN I'll study in sentosa too. but.. but... =x OHmymama ;D
Sunday, September 7, 2008
![]() Simply irresistable No matter how hard i tried to shun you, you still catches my eye and steal my heart. OH BOY, YOU ARE SUCH A PAIN. Please let me go, I don't wanna get stuck in between. Cas you're with her now. Cas you're not alone. and i can't be with you. Stop giving me hopes that rise me up and throw me right down on the highest point. IT HURTS. I don't wanna love you anymore. Back from tuition (: I like Jeremy, cas we crapped alot alot during lesson time. HAHA. Talked alot today. Like those super cold jokes. rac*** ones too. I FEEL SO BAD though, but yeah, i couldn't stand them. Complained about school, complain about teachers. LAUGHED yays, studied haha :P HEHS Yepps, SO LONG. I am SO GOING TO STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU :D YAYS
Saturday, September 6, 2008
ARTtaye day :D
![]() I WISH i hadn't I like him I'm happaye He's happaye He likes her Life stinks D: Get out of my life/ MY world, my mind. I FEEL WIERD TODAY =X Perhaps cas i hadn't been playing volleyball for a long time. Hehs.. fenfen! Where are you? I wanna play volleyball =/ Anyways, I'm back from Art lesson. Went to XIAOGUILIN today. That place SUCK! Walao... All the ants and soil and DIRT! So irritating =X RAHHS Going to tuition later. lOls... And now, holiday's over. SLEEPING PILLS waiting for me in the classrooms the SUN's waiting for me in the filthy OUTDOOR court. DANG! School sucks ): Labels: I wish till i couldn't wish anymore. BBQ cum BUFFET YAY, i'm BACK :D From my UNCLE's birthday partaye (: Not bad lar. But lotsa strangers there. Gahhs... So played with the kids. Damien, daniel, henry(: CUTE nephews ;D Running about until my legs hurt. Too old to run sia =/ Everytime i told myself not to think of you, you appear and melt my heart. You made my mind go round and round, thinking about us. But when you moved my heart, you left me all alone again. and now, I'm left unwanted. Labels: love you, love you not PHOTOS :D YAYS (: Wall-E Went Uncle Peter in the morning. I don't like math now. RAHHS =x Then brought xiaomei out to watch movie. WALL-E cute but boring... D: Anyways, many nice movies coming up i think YAYS (: Gonna enjoy now before EOY comes. PS: Anyone wanna watch makeithappen with me? I think i'll be nice (: LOVES :D Friday, September 5, 2008
intelligent but stupid
Today's FUN ;DMATCHES all day. YAY First match: JIALI's REFEREE :D Didn't play first match but still super shuang. REFEREEEEEEEEEEEEE :P won the first match. 9-25 (: Second match: REFEREE again :D 6-25 YAYS Third match: JIALI LIBERO Keep snatching to take the first ball. STEPH! My receive damn nice right? :D I LOVE BEING LIBERO now(: WON. i forgot score ler =x Fourth match: JIALI SUBSET WALAO. I just don't click with steph lehh. HOW ARH? I wanna be libero! Not SUBSET! Won though. :D FIFTH MATCH: WHAT DID I DO? i FORGOT. hahaa But we still won :D LAST MATCH: JIALI CHEERED FOR CDIV YAYS! First ever match Cgirls played. JIAYOUS Cgirls! Cheers ;D Went bukit timah hawker with seowrong and micole. WOOTS (: damn long never eat there leh. Got lotsa nice nice food. ChitCHAT. and here comes sr's boyf to steal her away. RAHHS... went home! ITS FRIDAY ALREADY. OOHH mANN.. SCHOOLtime is nearing. URGH.. Thursday, September 4, 2008
PHYSICS Kills. THZ Kills.
I seriously think my DADDY really nice to me recently ;DRained really heavily in the morning and he drived me to school xP Yepps, haha. Saw Yunhan and Edward. They both dumb dumb lehh. Thought that physics starts at 12. haha PHYSICS is like @#$%^&* lar. FAILED. but i improved 100% Zai right? haha xD But i got like 4 out of 20 for practical Like WHAT THE HELL? DAMN, i feel like dropping physics. Then after that went continue sculpture with Sharon and Yunhan. HAHA. Took 51 to JE. SAW someone. haha xD change SO much. BLAHBLAH... =/ Can't wait for training tomorrow xD I WANNA BE LIBERO :D haha. MINPING! So gonna fight with you :p AND YOU OWE ME A DRINK! (: JIAYOUS RVVT :D LOVES Wednesday, September 3, 2008
holidayy(:HAHA. RIPCURL on saturday and i forgot what i did on sunday =X Rahhs... MONday was GREAT:D Had training in the morning Ate lunch with Volleyballers ;D SEOWRONG HUISHAN MICOLE FENFEN JOYCE and GEN! YAYS :D Then went home and GUESS WHAT :D DADDY brought the whole family out for dinner WHEEEEE ;D I LOVEEE DADDY :D Ate at a WHOOPPER nice seafood restaurant. *WINKS* TUESDAY Was super PISSED OFF with jeffry lum. WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? Wake me up so early just to ask for my IC number. WALAO. I want to sleep one lehh =X rahhs... IRRITATING! then went uncle peter and HOME :D SLACK yays xD WEDnesday TRAINING AGAIN :D I WANNA BE LIBERO HAHA. Meet CHONGYAN and he taught me physics hahah. THANKS ARH BROTHER. :D WHEEEEE :D NICE EGG TARTS :O tmr got TANHUIZHEN DAMN, I HATE HER. And I'M gonna get back physics paper. I HOPE IT WON't BE single digit. though kinda hard lar. =/ YEPPS.. like 85% of the cohort failed FRIDAY CCA OUTING with CCA MATES LOVES :D SAT! BBQ BBQ YAYS SUN ART CLASS. and there goes my hols xD IMISS AMELIA IMISS YINGLNG IMISS MEVIS and PEILING! Labels: and all the more i miss you |
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