Friday, October 31, 2008
![]() I hate to say this But I guess I've fallen for you. = SPORTS DAY today(: Cheers cheers but no running for me. And trust me ya, cheerleading is way tougher. We were like screaming our heads off under the hothot sun x CHEERS FOR CENTAUR Though we didn't win, I'm sure with have lotsa lotsa fun(: Yays :D CHEERS: My favourite: Oh we got it, oh-oh we got it! Oh we got it, oh CENTAUR's got it(: Went Shaowei's house after that, ate lunch, wait for him to bathe. Then JP para para. laughlaughs(: and HOME (: holidays coming liao, And before that, LEARNING SYMPOSIUM(: oh yea Labels: I love Centaur(: Thursday, October 30, 2008
Oh Great!
![]() Paint me a Rainbow; Ride the wind to the sun Sail away on the ship of wonder Cas I like being with you ;D School was BlahBlah today. BOOBOO Was feeling really sleepy lahh = After school went vivo with YUNHAN SHARON RUOLING SHARLENE :D:D:D Subway, and we crapped like mad ;D I like 3D girls :DDD Then me yunhan and sharon went to Page One, They didn't like bookstores. I realised. Even worse then me, teehee. I almost bought the ELMO DIARY book x I didn't in the end, damn EX. Not going to Page One with them ever again. Though they don't read books, THEY LOVE MANGAS. Omgness, stucked at the manga section for god-knows how long =X Then took 30 home with Yunhan. :D YUNHAN DAMN NICE :O surprise Surprise! cas she missed two buses and waited for 30 with me(: 我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑 I think I've fallen fallen fallen this time. TMR'S SPORTS DAY! CENTAUR (:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Howhow =X
![]() A Dream is but a Fantasy that has not yet been turned into Reality... and I suddenly remembered what Ruixiong dreamt of months ago, hey! Half your dream came through lahh, and if you were kicked back to Singpore next year we might be in the same class lurh. Argh! Ruixiong's dream coming true liao =S *Struggle struggles* I really bu yao retain lahh, DDD: Asked Jeffry if he would miss me if I'm not in 4D next year, which is most probably so. and HE WOULD (: Of cas lahh, nobody pon school with him liao. and nobody late with him, nobody GL teachers with him liao. AND NOBODY FOR HIM TO SUAN! I bet Jeffry's gonna give me a farewell partaye = After 3 years, he finally could give me one, PS: Sec one he want to give me liao xD Anyways, today's a super slack day ;D PE Break Recess Langarts ChineseLunch Principle's talk Break art 3 hours plus of break time. Jealous not? Well, I bet art students are sick and tired of breaks x Painting murals are really fun though, been sitting on the top of the ladder for hours today lahh. butt damn pain >__< But we're all damn proud of our MURAL :D Ms ong says so class, how much do you give yourelf out of ten? Sharon and Yunhan: Hundred! Thousand! Laughs xD I really enjoyed art now :D YAYNESS :DDD Today's only wednesday and I'm looking forward to Sunday. Oh-beach-addict ;D Tuesday, October 28, 2008
So Happy ;D
JIALI GOT A1 FOR SINGAPORE AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES ;D AND SHE'S DAMN HAPPAAYYYYEEEEE :DDDOh yeahhhhh (; This is when I start to bite my nails. I think he's the one I've been looking for. He makes me feel special, with the tinge of security surrounding me. He's the one for me! Oh yeah, I don't like my FM anymore. :DDD He makes me so sad lahh, I don't wanna face the emotional coaster ride myself again. I like him, he's damn cute(: Though we might not be together, at least I enjoy being with him, Not like FM, make me broken-hearted. BOOOOOO I don't care even if I failed. At least I tried, and that's more than enough (: Labels: I don't care if I fail. Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ima Weirdo x|
![]() I think That explains Why. I swear I'm really really weird today! Haha, I swear! Reach home at 10plus yesterday night, Blahblahs; watched BPL :D DAMN LONG mei you kan liao. Then watch Iforgot-whatshow xD Then chat with meimei in the room till like 2am bahx. Okay for the last half an hour I was practically talking to myself. While my good meimei was sleeping like a log x/ Woke up at like 3.30am, I wonder why too. So not me lahh, JiaLi don't wake up so early one >_< Stares at the ceiling for half hour lahh. Then went out, got a drink, surf the net, read storybook. Went to bathe :D And it's 6.30! Yay! Help MY MOM with a bit of housework! THIS IS SOOOOOO NOOOT MEEEE! Yepps, and I blogged. Don't think I'm going out today. Sorry JiaQian D: I think my Dad's damn mad at me liao. Let's go to the beach soon :D hahah, IMA Beach addict already Lalas ;D Yayness ![]() Perhaps letting go of you, would be setting myself free too. Liking you was so a mistake, now I'm ending all the misery. Flyaway; love. I'm enjoying the new me now, :D no worries for examinations, no worries for the everchanging him. Smiling and thinking of someone else every now and then. Living life to the fullest, better than before that is. tsktsk Yesterday should be a great day. It ended with a rather bad ending though D: Went bugis with family, blahblahs Then cabbed into Sentosa to meet my LIANZXZX. On my way to Siloso Beach, Saw HuiShan, SianNee and ZiYu! BOOBOO! How come you guys go so early lahh >__< Mei You Deng Wo DDD: Met Lianzxzx at the toilet then went to meet the rest. Laughlaughs, played volleyvolley, was super weird, my volleyvolley sucked more than usual DDD: *Wonders Why* Saw NenQue's brobro too! WOW at the fact that I still remember him though I've only met him once, he's kinda their friend. I mean like Darius bahx, not very sure though. But don't dare talk to him, he seems kinda scaryy xP ChengPeng offered to let talk to him, and I was like NONONONO! Damn scared! hahah, gonna tell tell tell NenQue xD Played till like 7 then went VIVO, ate at Carl's junior, then the really bad thing started. I'm sorry Lianzxzx, should've been with you instead. DUI BU QI. Please don't be mad anymore. I'm SORRY Labels: He's just so over Saturday, October 25, 2008
Guess I could only take a step at a time now.We'll see how thing goes alright. Eeyyuurr, I wanna go to the beach, and Mom wants me to go out with her. Should I go to the beach after that? It'd be rather late then though, but yeah, I WANNA GO xP Booboos D; I FEEL GREEN :D Move On... ![]() Regret is this how I should feel now? I don't know what I am feeling now, but I'm really really afraid. I don't want to be left behind. I want to move on. No matter what. I wish I can. Mom said there won't be any re-test. There goes my only hope. I don't know what to do liao lahh. D: Yesterday was a fantastic day, reach school at like 1pm. Yepps, when lessons ends at 2pm. Jeffry still ask me get Yellow Slip, madness lahh. Slack around then went training. MEDITATE ;D We sat on tables and closed our eyes. We were supposed to concentrate on our breathing. I couldn't. Once I close my eyes, I thought of my results, my mom, everything. Had dinner with SeowRong and her dear. Yepps, happyhappy. Went see WingYue, ZhangYang they all play Bball today. Didn't play lahh, so not going to embarass myself (; Saw like Daniel Loke and afew ex-rulangnite. They look so familiar lahh, just can't remember their names xP Haha, I miss Rulang ; I wanna go walk walk on the beach ;) Labels: I hope I can Thursday, October 23, 2008
![]() I feel so green today ;D Green with envy, Green with love, Green with sadness. Oh gheez, GREEN's my new black. =/ Getting back results, I can't believe what I got. And I actually did studied, for so so so long. I don't want to stay, I want to move on. Now, I have no idea what to do. BOOS Not going to school tmr, so tired of getting back results. Still going training though, not going to give up my only passion. Seeya guys
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Every little thing is gonna be alright =DYay. Thanks RuiXiong(: Labels: Be strong Sunday, October 19, 2008
YAY, HAppyhappyness :D
Yesterday was fun and Really tiring ><Went to SeowRong's Ahma house, guess what she said when I reach. BOOBOO LAHHH, have to wait for the guys for an hour >< Since when girls have to wait for guys lahh, Not Fair. Read mag, ate ice-cream talktalktalk. haha Damn funnaye, then the guys came and we cabbed to the BEACH :D YAYness, we were the first to reach lahh, damndamndamn SUNNY! Then the rest came, played volley for awhilewhile, then rain liao ><>< Me and Seowrong both fighting to be setter lahh. I WON most of the time. YAY :D PLAYPLAY, then went vivo, ate dinner at food republic :D THE CURRY CHICKEN WAS SWEET! and I was wondering if it'd be too spicy for me lahh >< Arcade, then home. SO sorry to the rest lahh, my dad doesn't allow me to stay! 'Just cas he's too pissed to talk to me, and he hung my phone before i could do anything! Lucky I got my mom! BOOOOO TO DADDDYYYYY. Cabbed home with chengpeng, i think this is how i spell his name bahx >< >< andand, found out he used to be from RULANG TOO! Cool SHIOL! I LOVEEE RULAnG :DDD hahahah HOME! and my daddy never say anything. LOLS. I'm like okayy... Got scared outta nothing SCHOOL TMR oh manzxxzxzx Saturday, October 18, 2008
SQuabbleS ><
BooBOoMy mom has been PMSing recently Quarrels here and there >< style="font-weight: bold;">MY LAPTOP That is so unfair DDD: Walaoooooooooooooooooooo Quarrel with her in the morning. AGAIN Then halfway suddenly silent.... Then I burst out laughing and she laughed tooo. FUNNY LAHH Oh yeahh.... :D I'm going to the beach soon (: YAY Wonder why I'm so high over it. LAUGHS.. beach is such a wonderful place ;D YAYNess TODAY :D Friday, October 17, 2008
![]() END OF EOY NO MORE EXAMS! YAYNESS ;D Omg, no more papers, no more studying! Yayy Yayy (: Yesterday was damn fun, tuition marathon >< Uncle peter from 4 to 6 and jeremy from 7 to 9. Wasn't really studying anyways =X was playing BALLOONS with Jeremy. Laughs laughs... He said he never play before. Laughs at him. Now I think he's obsessed. He wants to be a CLOWN now. Omgness, first, I made him rmb the wrong formula equation and now I made him a clown. He's future is so getting destroyed in my hands. Laughlaughs... I bet he regretted having me as a student >< BOOBOO Went SAFRA TO PLAY WITH PEIWOON (: YAYness para- Saw lingeng and co there, Bunch of jokers laughs HOME YAY SO HAPPY Someone bought mooncakes from starbucks Swear it's damn nICE SO IN LOVE WITH STARBUCKS WOOTS YAY WHEEEEEEEEE Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Lastlast! omgomg! YAYYAY!
![]() Just like how you always left without a bye. and left me wondering what to do. You filled me with hopes. and burst every single one of them. What I feel now is just the emptiness within me. OHmannn... I don't feel like mugging already! Last two papers, given up hope on math and don't know what to do for CID! Rahhrahhs! >_> Going for tuition marathon later. So slacking all I can now =X oh-maths I tried so hard to love you. Please don't kill me tomorrow D: I'm that kinda girl who needs alot alot of love and alot alot of nice, sweet surprises. Or that I love you more than anything else. ororor Get out of my sight. yeah, i mean you. I'm trying to tuck you away into a nice dark corner of my life.
Tangled in the name of Love Tangled in the name of Love. Was Staring at Seowrong and zhenzhi studying just now, fenfen went around walking. LAWLS. Yepps, so was doodling my time away. I still edited the Doodles, with my phone. haha, laughs at my 'primary school' drawings. I did every one of them in less than 3 mins? laughlaughs;D ANYWAYS, JIAYOUS FOR ELIT AND BIO PEOPLE! SMILESMILES :D Physics :DDD Oh-so-happy ;D Today's the first time I did actually did the paper. Oh my god!!! I'm like Whooper whopper happy(: Yayyay! Yunhan said if my score's more than half of hers then she treat me hagen daz ;D Laughslaughs :D This time you sure have to treat me ler! WHOOOOOTTTTSSS =] JIAYOUS JIALI! 2more days till exams end 2 more exam papers 1 more exam day1 YAYAYEAH! smilesmile lovelove yayyay laughlaugh(: Happyhappy :D Going to the beach on Sunday! Oh i miss that wonderful place(: THE BEACh! LOVELOVE! LET GO, SMILESMILE -- of you. Tuesday, October 14, 2008
YAY, two more paper down(:3 more days till exams' over, 3 more papers 2 more exam days Jiayous JiaLi(: Oohhohhh Did Hell lot of shopping today, was practically going into every shop that I see lahh, Lols, pampering myself after exams x) I think i deserve it ANYWAYS, laughslaughs(: <<< This is a really CUTE notebook! Motivates me to buy moremoremore Stuffs(: Wheeee! Bought this book for meimei I hope this is nice ;) So I can like read it after She's done. And i bought really cute bookmarks and uhhh, balloons, and lots lots lots! Shit mann! JiaLi is really broke this week lerhhs >_> This marks the start of her diet too. haha, I don't care, I'm so gonna slim down, Till forty, okayy, or maybe forty-three by this year. My tagboard's Getting really Weird ;D with all my darlings and baobeiix >_> Darling>>> SEYCHEE My Pretty and very very very tan 'boyfriend'! Trying desperately to reach her tan so I can be like her! YAY, I will Jiayou tanning for my darling! <3 FENFEN>>> PEIWOON This one don't needa say siol. She appears in my blog so very often. PS: Her fenfen name originated from MEI TIAN FEN [Not talented] LIANZXZX>>> SEOWRONG This best chemistry teammy YAYS Her name, can guess why bahhx. Laughluaghs! I LOVE HER(: BaoBeiix>>> LIAR >>> AMELIA My very first RV friend(: She's cute and crazaye ;D YAY The Fenfen's Boyf>>> JunJie Ask Fenfen why, Laughs ;P I sound so LES lahhh, Oh my god, Later nobody want me how?! Hey, JiaLi's perfectly straight! She loves cute, smart, sporty, tall, skinny, sweet guys Like who doesn't! haha I'm not desperate OKAYY Cas I WAS JUST JOKING >_> Went Jeremy's house just now, he's damn funny, There's a little over there. He said she was his neighbour's daughter, I said : CUTE! He said, she's really naughty... I said EVIL! CUTE evil CUTE evil CUTE! Saw ZhengYang when I was at the interchange! He was really nice to take the same bus as I do. TalkTalkTalk ;D I like him, he's such a nice person to talk to(: Andand, he understands! haha *shyshys* He's a NICE FRIENDFRIEND! I sense the end, I hope it's nearing, I will end this misery. Labels: towards the end Monday, October 13, 2008
feeling SILLY
Oh Yeah, Exams will be over soon, JIAYOUS JIALI (:I'm so bored that i started taking quizzes. Lols, One of them is like Are you desperate? Not really... I don't really need a guy, although it would be nice to have one. I can think independently but I do think that a few guys are above average in the looks department. Laughlaughs ;D Do You Know How To Flirt? You are Charming with Caution Your motto: I'll let him know I'm interested, but I won't throw myself at him. Your smoothest move: Those slick, did-she-mean-to-do-that touches that leave a guy interested but wondering whether you reeeally like him. Your recurring nightmare: Being nice is, well, nice. But have you ever noticed that some guys misinterpret your just-plain-friendliness for flirtation? Make sure that you aren't sending mixed signals to guys you aren't looking for love with. For example, keep the playful touches to a minimum and throw around the word friend a lot in your conversations. But when you do dig the boy? Work that magic. [Ohpulease, you aren't that hothot ;D] Are You A Babe? You are a Babe! You are very appealing to a man and have great inner beauty and strength as well as physical attractiveness. You take pride in your appearance and like a man who appreciates it! You like being accepted as a person rather than a sex symbol and you like a man who is intelligent as well as good looking. {The sentence are from nnot true to very true} I do love smartsmart hothot guys ;D Who doesn't? lOls What "guy qualities" do it for you? You picked Mr. Sensitive. He's about as comfortable and friendly as an old pair of jeans---and will more than likely never break your heart. And I almost Had you and i didn't even know it I spent my time hoping you'd love me You kept me guessing here i go thinking about the things that i could have done I know we had our problems I almost wish you'd love me too But I still didn't inn the end, no matter what I do, I still couldn't have you. She thinks that love, but he doesn't think so. It's stupid and contagious to think that I love you Yay, I think I wouldn't want to love you anymore, You suck! All the no link stuffs in one post Please ignore me people =X I'm feeling SILLY gonna study after dinner! JIAYOUS :D Sunday, October 12, 2008
JIALI IS MUGGING NOWYAY(: Me and FENFEN mugging at habourfront Mac now LoLs, Pleaded her to study with me ;D YAY LOOK at what I've done(: Tra-lalas I have cute notes, Not like fenfen (: Teehee ;) Anyways, Langarts was kinda easy today That's why JiaLi loves it (: I'm doing my notes really seriously(: YAY Prettaye! (: Abit messy table x) LOLS MUGMUG YAY BOOS to fenfen Dx I bet she's blogging bad things about me LALA BOOBOO POOPOO<3 Randdomm Picturreess! YAY Of my DARLINGS --- Teammys :D When I'm studying at Fenfen's house ;D Hah! Her Agressions ;D LaughLaughs >_> Uhhh, I guess we're feeling kinda retarded then. Loves Being dumbdumb! YAYness ;D POOPOO FENFEN LOVELOVES I'm a better phtographer then them I don't care! POOPOO proest lerhh ;D The nice guy who taught me Hah! *Looks like my idol?* Abit far lahh, Maybe the sehh abit same when he acts in the PTS show lorhh Hehs, LOVES YOU GUYS, OKAYY LADIES :D SWEET LOVE (: My new Blogskin! I swear it's damn cute lahh! THE POOPOO! Teehee ;D Laughs, third post of the day ;) Too Bored lerhhs >_> Ater my tuition ended, went Jurong Point walk walk Bought some bangles and bands. (: yay Walk passed CoffeeBean, can't resist the temptation of coffee lahh =X But guess what, Cofee Bean Sucks lahh. Eeeyyurrr! I still Love StarBucks more(: YAyness ;D OMGness, I think I'm getting really crazaye over chan jian feng, Fenfen doesn't like the name samuel. Lols, ooops, <_<> Labels: Love me ;DD Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hot Guys ;D
HOT GUYS(:![]() Which to bury? ![]() I'll be your crying shoulder I'll always help you over I'll need nothing but your love If I get just that I'll be fine But if I don't I'll wilt and die And buried under leaves from above... I hate it when you leave me alone. Waiting for Fenfen to come to my house now. I'm supposed to go to her house actually But she offered to come to my house today instead, That's really nice of you(: Teehee xD Anyways, I'm really SORWIE Didn't go out with JVS yesterday): After my exams we shall fix one day to go to the beach! YAY ;D LOVES! Andand, I'm so gonna learnt how to skate. That means no one's gonna hold me anymore. Andand no more falling down. Yay(: Uhhh, still, after exams. And uhhh, after the renovations I guess. Not in the near future D: Exams starting tomorrow again, ohboyohboyy... JIAYOU JIALI(: I wish I wouldn't love you anymore. I think i will, in the near future. Oh, I feel like giving up again. I wish I can, One-sided love is so tiring. I have to go through all the Ups and Downs myself. I want someone who love me (: I bet i'll love this him too ;D YAY Labels: US Friday, October 10, 2008
Today's maths was hard!Damn hard lahh, gonna die like siao lerhhs D: Uhhh, how D: Super sian, after exams accompanied Fenfen until her Geo paper(: Then went vivo, STARBUCKS studyy ;D and i realised it's almost impossible to study at vivo D: BUT I'm really addicted to Starbucks now =X Then Para-ed cas i was really too bored =/ and waited for fenfen to come, then her boyf. They damn cute. lols... LAughs at you guys ;D Then he left, then left me and fenfen, felt so much better =X and FENFEN sent me home(: YAYS, loves her. then she left after awhile lahh, gonna meet her CLAZEE CUZEEN haha I'm Really happy YAY JVS JVS LIANZXZ FENFEN :D smilesmiles (: Thursday, October 9, 2008
Oh Exams
GahhgahhxEveryone's exams has ended Other than RV! That's so unfair lahh, JIALI! Wanna go out anot. Can't need to mug, can't got exams, can't got tuition. RV is so getting on my nerves. Always like that one lehh, Bleahhbleahhhs D: Today was Chinese paper one, Did the formal letter and news paper report OBVIOUSLY, cas they're like the easiest :P IMA Slacker, and I like that(; YAYNESS :D Then met FENFEN to study for SCS. I think SCS was rather okayy, But lotsa people think that it was tough. I write alot alot sia, till my hands damn painpain lahhD: Urghhs... Had lunch at SCHOOL CANTEEN cas of FENFEN, lOls, she was being really nice to help the auntie finish up the food sio, and JiaLi being NICER accompanied her, So i was helping auntie plus pei-ing her :D Teehee ;D Went to the cathay to find her CLAZEE CUZEEN ;D And I STUDIED THERE. YAY, I really did study lahh, Ohsurprisingly YAY Yepps, then went to JEREMY's house for tuition, the train was SURPRISINGLY fast! From CATHAY to BOONLAY took less then FORTYFIVEmins I SWEAR! OMGNESS :O Jeremy was being really nice to teach me maths(: andhow i hated LONG DIVISION(: JIALI'S magical way of not using long division(: YAY COORDINATE GEOMETRY Go bang the wall lahh OH I LOVE MATHS Shall Make myself believe this FACT :F I DO (: After tmr's maths paper, Gonna give myself a treat by going to the movies with my dearest JVS And continue MUGGING! JOVINA VIVIEN JIAQIAN JERALD JOSHUA JUSTIN IS LOVED! :D YAY LOVESLOVES(: AND ps: FENFEN AND LIANZXZX BOTH ATTACHED Only me single. aHHAHA I'll still love you guys no matter what. LOVES darlings forever :D YAYS Labels: ihatechineseteacher Wednesday, October 8, 2008
(:(: (: Went to FENFENs Place in the end. Didn't study alot either, Only on my way there and back. Haha, it's a long journey okayy xD And Teeny Weeny bit of maths over there. Played POOL over there. FENFEN NOOBSHIT! I owned her FOUR GAMES straight! Laughs at you! ;D I LOVE YOU ANYWAY :D teammate lahhh, Later your mum think I les. You got your agression AB lerhh! HAHA! =) HEY YOU [LOVES!] Love ME (; Kiss me gently, Don't ever go... Labels: my everything. Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Last Day Of Holiday
Oh MANXZXZToday marks the end of the self study days and tomorrow marks the continuation of Exams. D: Oh my gawd, Examss =/ Rahhs... Might be going to FEFEN's place later. If only Lianzxzx go too (: Or else, I stay at home and rot, Or maybe go find Lianzxzx. :D I just can't study at home D; TEMPTATIONS. SHOULD I GO find Lianzxz or Fenfen Hmmmm [Questiion Markksk] I HOPE YOU THINK OF ME(: TIRED D: Out ALL Day Sorry to my dear Fenfen D: Suppose to STUDY with you. Played and Idled the day away... SORRY Cas' I still have tuitionS after that, Damn Sianed. SEOWRONG ALWAYS DOESN'T WANT TO STUDDY WITH US LAH! AHLIAN, LIAN! Teehee ;) Had like TWO tuitionS today :X IMBA-NESS... BooBoo! Maths tuition with Buddy [Hearts!] And Uncle Peter's son, Jeremy taught us instead cas' too many people lerhh. And then went to yet another Jeremy's house To have Phyics! xD 2 Jeremies taught me in the same day ;D Another word invented by me xD TEEHEE Then went home with meimei, Stopped to meet her friend halfway. Cas she need to collect some thingy from him. Some SecFour guy anyway, Was standing a distance away. Didn't wear my specs and it's like all dark, But I have the Fugly feeling =X God-knows-why And on our way home, meimei continued texting him... He said: That one your friend arh? Meimei: No lahh, my sister. He said: Oh, can ask for her number? [Something like that lahh] Me: Oh, *Laughs* So black also can see arhh. *Rolls eyes* I FEEL SO HUNGRY TODAY PS: I had TWO dinners =x The cause and effect of Stress. EOY coming--->Need more studies--->Cannot Pon tuition--->Stress--->Eat alot--->Grow fat ---> Get Laughed at by Jordan>_> Sunday, October 5, 2008
In another Life
Went to school today D:Handed in ZUOWEN, This time it had better not go Missing. Then Found MrsKhoo at the Canteen. Did Maths, Till Tears can be found in my eyes. Sian, I HATE MATHS Then SeowRong came, I Cried lahh. Argh, MATHS! She still went after awhile. Cas of JAYJAY LAHH SO JEALOUS D; Went Home after I'm done. PHew... How was i suppose to survive through TWO MATHs paper. BOO! I know my mind seems weird. A minute I was here then next I wasn't. But, trust me, I'll always be back. Cas of You :D If I'm still number one, the one you''re looking for. I won't be gone for long, Will be back for You(; Labels: You had been mine Mugging mode ON Mug Finally Caught me Studied at LongJohn's today morning. Haha, did like SS and LangArts before going home today. Realised i could study almost anywhere other than home. TOO much temptations lahh, Reach home at 11 plus bahx, Ate Lunch, Then went to SLEEP, [See what i mean? TEMPTATIONS] Woke up at like FOUR plus lahh. Did more SS and my ZUOWEN. Plus watch TV and Surf net. [Another example, Multi-tasking] Finished at 10. LOOK AT MY RATE MANN. Then chatted with ahlian and fenfen over then phone. Then changed to MSN. Now all AFK. Lols... They damn Cute, LOVES. Where he huh? With other girl lahh. HAppy? Blahblahs... I STARTED MISSING HIM all over again. Saturday, October 4, 2008
One Of those Girls <3
HEYLOVEI didn't cry the day you moved away I didn't think that I could feel this pain Until I saw the stranger that was you Whatever happened to our innocence and the somethin' that you said about being friends tell me how help me say the words out loud STUDYING AT PEIWOON'S HOUSE NOWW :D SEOWRONG! You Suck! How can you paisehh us cas of BEAUTY SLEEP. STUDDY marhhs! haha... PEIWOON --- I AM NO LES S: I LOVE MY MUSIC FM YAYS Friday, October 3, 2008
Stay Close, Don't Go.
I'm staring at the glass in front of me,Is it half empty? Have I ruined all you've given me? I know I've been selfish, I know I've been foolish, But look through that and you will see, That I'll do better. I know, baby I can do better. If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone, Don't tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight, This heart of stone will sink 'til it dies, If you leave me tonight. Sometimes I stare at you while you are sleeping, I listen to your breathing, Amazed how I somehow managed to, Sweep you off of your feet girl, Your perfect little feet girl, I took for granted what you do, But I'll do better. I know, baby I can do better. If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone, Don't tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight, This heart of stone will sink 'til it dies, If you leave me tonight. And don't you know, My heart is pumping, Oh, it's putting up the fight. And I've got this feeling, That everything's alright. Don't you see? I'm not the only one for you, But you're the only one for me. If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone. If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone, Don't tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight, This heart of stone will sink 'til it dies, If you leave me tonight. Don't leave me tonight. Blahs, So very free today ;D I MISS VOLLEYBALLING! Labels: Why don't you love me? IHATECHINESETEACHERS >:[ Darn Suay today lehh! LMAOOOOOO... NUMBER ONE: GUOLANHUA LOST MY ZUOWEN NUMBER TWO: BLAMES ME FOR IT. NUMBER THREE: LINJINZHU CATCHES ME FOR SHOES AND SOCKS NUMBER FOUR: BOUGHT SUPER THICK PLUS LONG RV SOCKS NUMBER FIVE: MRS LOOK CAUGHT ME FOR HAIR PLUS SHOES NUMBER SIX: DID TWO HRS OF MATHS CAS I DIDN'T HAND IN Language Arts Test was okay. Except for the fact that I tio scamed and like studied for the format D: Did Question Five for essay! What aspects of the past would you conserve and what benefits would they bring for the future. Or something likke that lahh. I like to do on culture! lOls... I bet like half the class did technology again lahh. I LIKE BEING DIFFERENT :D Then did maths at the library with Jeffry while waiting for Nicky. Roughly untill 12 bahx... then Nicky finally APPEARED ;D Went Queensway MAC. And I realised i just had MAC the day before. >_> STILL HAD MAC ANYWAYS, Then he taught me PHYSICS :X NICKY PRO SIA... A1 for the recent test! PROPRO!!! You're so much better than HER. Yepps, understand understands! HOME! =D COMPLAINs complains about chinese teachers. rahhrahhs =/ NO SCHOOL TILL THURSDAY :D CHEERS! |
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