Saturday, November 29, 2008
thai coach
TAGTAG!SHUWEIII :D I'm not scandalous okay =O But I do like to tell you about my secrets ;D teehee STEPH :D SEOWRONG also cut bangs what, but you guys not as shocked D: Realised I got TAGGED by shuwei only now ;D The rules & regulations 1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself 2) People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own, 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly 3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names 4) No tag back. TEN WEIRD THINGS/HABITS/LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT ME! 1. I LOVE GREEN. really. 2. I am NOT scandalous. really. 3. I LOVE CUTE GUYS. yes I do. 4. I want to learn JIVE. boogie woogie Dance! 5. I HATE lollipops. though I love sweets. 6. Volleyball isn't my entire life. though I love it, I wouldn't die for it. 7. I LOVE NUMBER FOURTEEN. not seven. 8. I LOVE TO EAT. I can eat alot. LOT. 9. I PLAY PET SOCIETY. facebook game. 10. I ADORE THE BEACH. People to TAG: Fenfen Amelia Lian Steph Huishan LEWINA TAN Darling Cheryl TSESIN IAN TRAINING WITH THAI COACH Reached CCAB at 7.15 today. That's super early cas training starting at 8am! The bus journey there was horrible, urgh! I almost puked lah, motion sickness DDD: Slacked around till lian came(: Happy only lor, she bought new volleyballies! ;D They were super hard though. Even spiking hurts lah, so everyone avoided the new balls during training. teehee; Oh ya, the Thai coach! He's damn cute lah, though he can't speak proper English. Had trouble understanding what he wanted to say at first. But I guess we got used to it. He mixed chinese and english up lah. hhaha... Then we were doing spiking actions and many started jumping forward instead of up. So we like piak on the wall lah, then he say don't love the wall! love me! Everyone Stunned then laugh lah. hahha, and the seminar in sentosa thing. damn funnaye. xD Then teammies started asking, hey, you think thai coach better or our coach better arh? I guess both were good in their own way But I guess I prefer our jiaolian. He teach us so long liao lah, got feeling what(: teehee I LOVE VOLLEYBALL :D YAY Then after training we cabbed to vivo ;D me fenfen and gen one, lian huishan and micole the other. Our cab slower but 20 cents lesser lols. Liddat we also happy ;D Ate at pastamania, ohh I miss the bakerice. =D Fattenning only, then took 143 with micole and gen :D I DO HOPE MICOLE MOVE TO BOONLAY SOOON! Loves VOLLEYBALLTEAMMIES! :DDD I wanna ask a question! If there's two guys that you like or likes you... both looked average, okay I shall name them A and B. A looks familiar though, as if you've seen him so many times previously, even in your previous life. Being with him would be sweet, those kind of predicted future with rare ups and downs. However, B looks special, someone you are happy to be with. But future isn't in your hands, you'll have completely no idea what life would be like. So would you prefer a long and smooth winding pathway or a breathtaking rollercoaster ride? Friday, November 28, 2008
WAS OUT WITH FAMILY JUST NOWOOHh GOSH I'm getting fatter and fatter x EATEATEAT EVERYDAY =O BOOOS quiz! COOPED FROM CHERYL ;D 1. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket? FRANCE(: 2. What's your favourite thing to do ? Volleyball(: 3. Do you think money can buy happiness ? Yes, but not all the time ;D 4. If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be? Can I have everything? ;D 5. Things you can't live without. EVERYONE around me :] 6. What are you afraid to lose? -Gasps- EVERYTHING. 7. If you win $1 million US dollars, what would you do? 1/4 as savings 1/4 charity 1/4 friends and family 1/4SPENT IT ALL 8. What do you dream of doing in the future? I wanna be an architect or maybe marry someone rich and be taitai(every 3D girls's dream ;D) 9. List down 3 good points about the person who gave you this survey. Uhh, cooped from cheryl... but she's prettaye talented smart! 10. What makes you happy ? When everyone elses' happaye ;D 11. What type of person do you hate most? hmmm? 12. If you have a super power what would it be? Foretell future ;D 13. Would you go for happiness or money ? Happiness lah 14. Who do you think is the most important people in your life? friends and family ;D 15. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, would you die for her/him? If I have to... 16. Who's the last person who hugged you ? my MEIMEI 17. What is the one thing you want to do badly right now? PLAYYYY 18. Who are you close to? my family and manymany friends ;D 19. Are you courageous enough to tell the person you like her/him? NOT NOW =/ 20. If you could do one thing all over again what would it be ? STARTING all over from year one. ={ 21. things that scare you. Being alone D: 22. Things that you like/love the most . SWEETS VOLLEYBALL FAMILY FRIENDS CHOCOS 23. 8 important things in my room. Ermei Xiaomei BED PILLOW BLANKET AIRCON Softtoys ALARMCLOCK 24. 8 people to do this questionnaire. AMELIA LIAN FENFEN STEPH DARLING MEVIS MEIMEIS ;D CCA TMR! Don't be late! Tuesday, November 25, 2008
![]() Blue Pink Yellow Orange Singapore rarely have such prettaye sight lah. So sad my phone was flat then lah, otherwise I could post it. D: Andand I made a little wish that I hope I could see the next prettaye sunset with my loveloved ;D Be it friends or sweethearts (: Teehee, no boyf no boyf lor. Lian and fenfen stop flaunting you boyfs lor! lalalas~ I'm staying at home today. Okay, most probably for the next few days, to be a good girl. So Dad and Mom will let me go out during the weekends ;D YAY I'm so looking forward to saturday's training at CCAB. ^^ The thai coach will be coaching us. [PS: he's the national beach volleyball coach, indoor men and women's coach!] Cool eh. Haha, wonders what he'll be doing with us. He looks kinda scary during the beach training lah. Saw how he trained the national team. Urgh... Maybe sunday I could go to the beach! Sherra's going lah! Prayprays that Lian and co will be going. Otherwise cannot see her liao. Having friendly on tuesday at queenstown. And I still haven't figure out where that is! Whatever it is, JIAYOUS girls (: I hope I could be LIBERO yeah. YAYS GOODLUCK US ;D Toodles~ SHOPPING QUEEN People say me JAP/CHINADOLL Say I stupid stupid one sia! Lalalas~ ![]() having dinner at Carls Junior ;D PHOTOS when the guys weren't around! Teehee;D THE BEACH DAMN FUN SIA :D My most beloved LIANRONG and FENFEN! HAHA LOVES :D FEN's VULGAR LOR. BOO! LIAN So innocent Over there! teehee ;D That's me! When I'm at the beach(: Haha. ME and Lian was about to fetch fenfen then. Oh ya! 12 plus still at airport then lah. then afew hours later, POOF! She's down at the beach with us! COOL SHIOL :D Had training today. IMA LIBERO :D COOLCOOLWHOOPERCOOL! YAY^^ Everyone was laughing at my hair lah. BOOO, so bad lah. Coach say me jap kid sia. Where got lorh, hen the rest say CHINADOLL =X Lalas... Then went Shopped at vivo with seowrong and her bro and her mom and MICOLE ;D We REALLY SHOPPED THE WHOLE VIVO PLACE. WALK and WALK and WALK. LOVE FOREVER21 da most ;D teehee; SAW CUZEEN at vivo. Stupid cuzeen doesn't want to go home with me. Yeppsyepps, so went home myself. And FENFEN coming my home stayover later ;D got to go bathe now. teehee ; Toodles! Monday, November 24, 2008
SMILESMILE :DWent to the beach yesterday ;D With LIAN AND FENFEN :DDD and the usual peeps :D teehee NOW IM BLACK DDD: VEHLI BLACK LAHH ;D I think can compare with my darling liao (: haha Anyways, I CUT MY FRINGE LIAO LIKE CHINADOLL >< teehee, I LOOK WEIRD SIA =X ANDAND I WENT SHOPPING TODAY AGAIN :D After getting passport at lavender me and meimei went pasir ris. Ate our dinner and shopped like mad. then go bugis continue shopping sia. Bought like earings, rubberbands, pins, and three shirts! ;D Photos to be uploaded really soon ;D NOT NOW. Won't let people laugh at my HAIR! BOO xD Toodles~ Thursday, November 20, 2008
Vehli bored
Super uber boring.So Cooped a quiz from stephanie ;D 1]What have you been doing recently? training, watch teevee, shopping ;D 2]Do you ever turn yr cell phone off? When I didn't want mom to call me :{ 3]What happened at 10am today? I was still sleeping sia xD 4]When did you last cry? EOY period lorh. 5]Believe in fate/destiny? I guess I have to... 6]What do you want in yr life now? To go 4D lah D; 7]Do you carry a umbrella when it rains or just put up yr hood? Put up my hoodie! I'm really lazy yea :P 8]Whats yr favourite thing to have on yr bed? My blanket (: 9]What bottoms are you wearing now? Dark blue shorts =] 10]Whats the nicest thing in yr inbox? People JIAYOU-ing me :D 11]Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? Maybe. When I got myself all confused. But I swear I didn't want anything like that! I just can't help it! 12]Are you wearing anything borrowed frm someone? Not now. 13]What was the last movie you caught? The lakeside terrence I think. Stupid show. haha >_< 14]What are you proud of? UHhh... I just realised. IDK. =X 15]What does yr oldest text msg in yr inbox says? It's about someone JIAYOU-ing me(: 16]What was the last song you sang out loud? When You Look Me In the Eyes - Jonas Brothers 17]Do you have any nicknames? POOPOO, POOPY, Jelly ;D 18]What does yr last receive text msg says? My twinn asking me not to care about someone. ;D 19]What time did you go to bed last nite? 12 plus I think. 20]Are you currently happy? Guess so. Happy-go-lucky lahh. 21]Who gives you the best advice? Seowrong(: 22]Do you eat whipped cream straight frm the can? ohmygod, I used to proudly say NO! Now I have to admit that I did, during 3D chalet. So UNGLAM! 23]Who did you talk on the phone last nite? No one. 24]Is something bugging you now? Yepps D; 25]What/who was the last person to make you laugh? FENFEN. 26]Do you wear toe socks? nope. 27]Who was the last person you missed a call frm? TWINN. 28]Have you ever had your heart broken? Yea DDD: 29]What annoys you most in a person? DUMB. 30]Do you have a crush on someone? I don't know ; 31]Have you ever done cocaine? nope. 32]What is the colour of yr room? Really really light purplish pink. Almost white that is. 34]Do you believe in the saying,’Talk is cheap’? Yea, I always do. 33]Would you kill someone you hate for a billion bucks? That's tempting. But I won't have the guts to do so =O 35]Who was the last person to lie in yr bed? Me lah. 36]Who was the last person to hug you? TWINN 37]Did you see the last person you kissed recently? I haven't kiss people in ages lahh. 38]Do you have a life? Of course ;D 39]Have you ever thought someone died, when they didnt? nope. 40]What is the reason behind yr profile song? I love it. 41]Who was the last person you saw in yr dreams? Some random teacher. lOls 42]Last time you smiled? Just lah, when I talked to Jordan online. He's retarded. 43]Have you changed this year? Yeah, I change kinda frequently. teehee 44]What are you listening to rite now? There and Back again - daughtry 45]Are you talking to someone while doing this? nope. 46]Do you walk with your eyes closed or open? open! most of the time. haha 47]Is there a quote you live by? Happy go lucky lah Everything will go right in the end. (: 48]Do you want someone you can never have? Uhhh, I guess so. 49]Have you ever played an instrument? Yeah duh. 50]What was the worst idea you’ve had this week? downloading pokemon leaf green, which i did. quite disappointing. 51]What were you doin last nite at 11pm? eating supper 52]Are you happy with your love life rite now? I'm single(: 53]What song best describes yr love life? Glamorous. Teeeheee 54]Does the person noe you like him/her? IDK ;P 55]Who always makes you laugh? MY TEAMMIES. 56]Do you speak other languages other than english? YEAH. ENCH! 57]Favourite websites? Uhhh Don't know ;D 58]Whats yr middle name? FABULOUS 60]What do you think you are like? Happy-go-lucky that's what everyone says ;D 61]Who will you choose to die with? Just let me die alone lah. 62]Where have you been today? Home niah. 63]What game do you play often? VIWAWA. teehee Mahjong's getting me addicted. 64]Who are you missing now? FENFEN. She's at Cambodia lah! 65]If you had to choose between your fren or your lover which will you choose? I DON't KNOW! 66]What are you doing right now? quiz lah 67]Which primary school are you from? RULANG(: YAYS 68]Name 3 colours that you like? White Black Green! 69]What emotion do you like to show? SMILESMILE 70]What is yr life to you? Get it over and done with. Teehee 71]If you have something bothering you what will you do? ASK WHAT TO DO LAH That's what friends are for xD 72]Who did you last chat on msn today? JORDAN KWONG 73]Who do you admire the most? Alot lehh, those hot girls. Omg, like why can't I be like them. Haha 74]Which month were you born in? MAY! 75]How are you feeling right now? BORED 76]What is the time now? 4.15PM 77]What kind of person do you think of the one who tagged you? Cooped from steph lah. She's NICE :D 78]What colour did you use to dye yr hair? I didn't dye it. 79]Why are you doing this test? to keep myself occupied. 80]What do you do when you are moody? Depends. ahah 81]At which age do you wish to get married? I don't know. In my twenties of course. 82]Who is more important to you? EVeryone is important yar ;D 83]If today was the last day of your life what would you do? Do All the things I always wanted to do. Then wear prettypretty dress, I wanna die pretty ;D 84]Who is the person you trust the most? Lian, fenfen, twinn, buddy (: 85]Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? Yeppsyepps(: 86]If you had a dream come true wat would it be? That one. 87]What is your goal for this year? Almost the endofyear liao lah, get year 3 life over and done with. haha 88]Do you believe in eternity love? I wish I can. 89]What feeling do you love the most? Happy and Loved 90]Do you think its Global Warming now? yeah duh. 91]What feeling do you hate the most? being left alone. 92]You like doing quizzes? aha, I guess so, When I'm bored! 93]Do you believe in God? Yeah! 94]Who cares for you the most? Mom and Dad 95]What do you think is the most important thing in your life? kinship friendship volleyball and LOTSA LOVE, Money also if possible. Heh, I know I'm greedy. 96]What will you bring when you fight? Loads of Whooper strong guys who will fight for me ;D 97]What have you regretted doing your whole life? Sadly, kinda alot. DDD: 98]What would you do if nobody cared for you? cry like mad until someone cares ;D 99]What would you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you? break up. curse him like mad. haha 100]How do you feel now? Satisfied. I answered 100 QUESTIONS. Now to watch TEEVEE :D COOL TRAINING WAS FUNN :D I love the match in the end, cas my team won! Like YAY! Cas I played CENTER for the first time in my entire life lah! And I'm not in the main team. The main team: Seowrong, Huishan[main spikers] Siannee[subset], Julia[libero], Gen[setter], Ziyu[center] 2nd team: JiaLi, Glennis[center] Jiayu Joya[main spikers] Joyce[subset] Stephanie[setter] minping[libero] WE WON! So happy! Then had lunch with Seowrong and gen(: LJS damn ex now lah, BOO. Urgh. And then I went to meet YingLing TWINN! YAY. Walkwalk at Bugis and guess who we saw?! Teehee; YINGLING ARH! [Not gonna say lah.] and was texting FenFen ;D She's in CAMBODIA now siah. Haha, Hope you're haing fun there. Text me when you're bored lorh. Though you'll miss your boyf more. Whateverrs. Buy something nice for POOOPY PLEASE ;D Hehhehs... Andand, mom's fixing tuition up for me AGAIN. Oh gosh, don't know what to do! [Bites fingernails] STUDYY STUUDDYY. Let's just hope that I can appeal out of the O level class. [pray prays!] This is when I start to bite my nails. He isn't really what I'm looking for. oh yes, so how do I lose you? BOO Labels: oh-so-confused Wednesday, November 19, 2008
![]() I know that you're no good for me. You blow hot and cold. You keep going in and out of my mind. Making me go up and down on a rollercoaster ride. Now, I'll make sure I keep you out. out of my mind, out of my heart and out of my life SMILE(: Had lunch with family today at JurongPoint. Then went Lavender to do passport. teehee; going overseas soon I guess xD Then went back JP shopshop! YAY ;D Bought a green spagetti shirt(: and a blue dress and a white tube and green tube. Mummy damn nice :P Saw so many people at JP lah, Jingwen, abi, qien, junkang and aijie. Lols. So qiao Ate mac for dinner =X and HOME (: YAY (: training tmr. Then meeting YINGLING TWINN (: Lovelove;D
Ohmygod. Even my Kiss also green liao. Recently I just love the colour green lah! I look nice in green shirt too! That's why green is the new black ;D Teehees Monday, November 17, 2008
WOOTS!I'M BACK! :D Class chalet's absolutely fun lahh ^-^ teehee ;D FRIDAYE Training in the school hall(: So happy sia ;D Then went to IMM with shuwei, sandra and abi. We shopped for 2 freaking hours at GIANT lah x And spent 200plus on 69 items!!! Then abi, sandra and I cabbed down to my house and we had dinner(: Then abi and sandra cabbed down to the chalet while I stayed at home xD SATURDAYE Woke up early in the morning and I went NTUC myself sia =X Bought eggs, sweets, 4 bottles of 1.5 l drinks, and steamboat stuff! Ohmygod lah, by myself sia! Then waited for cheryl and jason to come to my house. And we cabbed down to chalet! and yes! THE CHALET'S FREAKING PRETTAYE! Totally fell in love with it at first sight sia xD Ate lunch: my mom's beehoon and curry(: YAY, thanks mom. teehee; POOLED ;D Some bowled. ARCADE-So not updated and then we prepared steamboat and bbq OMG FUN AND COOL But BBQ Failed lah, drizzled abit and we ran out of charcoal! Started burning paper plates, satay sticks and stuff xD and I LEARNT HOW TO PLAY MAHJONG! I won my first game of my life sia ;D COOL lahh :DDD Tried playing like 16 rounds[on the first day I learn how to play lah!] Gave up after we finished 3/4 of the game =X Everyone gave up liao cas it was four-thirty in the morning liao. And I won, by abit ;D We played like one fan 10cents cas me and shuwei first time players what. But Ohmygod, I won overall sia. Keeheng owns lah, won 1.60 ;D I WON 30cents! xD Shuwei never win never lose and liuyi lost 1.90 of cas HAHA LIUYI! LOSE TO TWO FIRST-TIMERS =P Then the rest watched white chiks when we're playing ;D Laugh-like-mad. then they went to sleep while me and tiening played PSP. haha, then we slept on the floor outside the bedrooms cas nowhere else to sleep liao =X The guys took the bedrooms while the girls took to sofabeds xD Yeppsyepps, then me, tiening and edward went to watch the sunrise ;D Back ;D and we cooked breakfast! YAY Ohmygod lah, the amount of chores I do there more then what I do in my entire life at home lah! Cooked sausages eggs and fries ;D All damn nice thanks to the girls while the guys are like still sleeping. Then some went home then we slacked abit and watched movies. then lunch: Terrible. NO FOOD. We cooked the leftover beehoon from steamboat, potatoes, luncheon meat, chicken, cabbage WITHOUT oil, salt, soya sauce. Damn disgusting and we all swallowed it. Keeheng went to cook maggie mee and I ate my ice-cream xD then we POOLED. The girls totally owned the guys lah, teehee ;D So happy, me and tiening best Pool Teammies ;D YAY arcade- airhockkey ;D PAIN SIA Then played blackjack. Lost at first but quite a bit back in the end. Played with coins lah, cas tiening don't know how to play. She lost in the end. Me jeff, qien won. I won 20cents. teehee sound so pathetic. cas I lost at first marhs. So i win 50cents overall. LAUGHLAUGHS then keeheng's dad bought us dinner. OMG NICE. the beehoon, friedrice and lontong cost like 47 bucks. the five of us finished it. WOOTS Then played uno and stuff. Alot of pillowfight. truth or dare. okay lah, SECRET! ;D slept at like 3am till 9 am. Breakfast, packup and home(: AND YES, I LOVE 3D FOREVER(: -HEARTS Wednesday, November 12, 2008
3D! Meet at TAnahMerah Mrt station at 12.30pm tmr!INFO: Timing for bus service from tanah merah 10am 10.30am 11am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 5pm 6pm 7.30pm 8.30pm Pick-up point for Staff Bus Service to NSRCC from Tanah Merah MRT Station (Taxi Stand)Pick-up Point: Tanah Merah MRT Exit A (the side of road leading towards Bedok) Timing to from resort to tanah merah 10.15am 11.25am 1.15pm 3.15pm 3.45pm 4.30pm 5.15pm 7.15pm 8.45pm 9.45pm 10.30pm Pick-up point for Staff Bus Service to Tanah Merah MRT Station from NSRCC Pick-up Point: The bus shelter located opposite the guardhouse in the Resort. Address: 10 Changi Coast Walk, Singapore 499739 From ECP : 1) Turn out at Exit 2A 2) Pass Tanah Merah Country Club Garden Course 3) Keep right, look for signboard (on the left) 4) Turn right into Changi Coast Walk From PIE : 1) Turn out at Exit 4A (Simei Avenue) 2) Pass Changi General Hospital 3) Go straight on Xilin Avenue, pass Changi South Industrial Estate 4) Keep left, pass Tanah Merah Country Club Tampines Course 5) Turn left to road leading towards Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, Airline House, etc. 6) Pass TMCC Garden Course 7) Keep right and turn right into Changi Coast Walk Saturday, we have another meeting at tanah merah for those who'll be only coming down on saturday at 10am. BBQ will start at 6 on Saturday! Don't miss that! (: Saturday, November 8, 2008
![]() I'm getting better; Cos maybe the songs that we sing are wrong Maybe the dreams that we dream are gone But it doesn't matter anymore(: Awwww, no beach for me today, that's damn sad lah. Mom has been PMSing again, but yesterday I didn't rebut her at all lah, then she scold till very shuang like that. Just cas I don't have the voice to rebut only lor. You think you can win me mehh. Teehee, but daddy was being super nice yesterday(: I could stay over at class chalet! Oh yeah! DADDY BETTER(: haha Oh people, call me out! Going to loiter out till night time. Don't wanna quarrel with her lah, later my voice gone >___< BOOBOO.
I even smile today When i heard someone say That you had gone this way I guess you have to say i'm getting better
Then i heard our old song The pain wasn't quite so strong cas i'm getting better!
I know i broke my promise to you I said i'll never get over you But a man can't spend all of his life Drowning with a heartache and live it with strife I guess I've loved you long enough ;D Time to stop.
Anyways, I'm blessed with 3D's MISSES :D LOVELOVE Friday, November 7, 2008
Sick DDD:
![]() Oh I'm sick! Sick sick sick! Pain pain pain! Hope I'll be alright like really soon. Like NOW. I still wanna go out and play. Like TMR! GROANS DDD: Missed training today D; Woke up at 6 and my throat hurts like mad. And my nose like running tap lah =X BOOBOO, lotsa Year3 didn't go CCA today. SICK! Me steph and huishan. Peiwoon overslept. Guess Alyssa couldn't make it either. That's half the team already! DDD: Jason was being damn sweet just now ;D I'll LOVE 3D! And I'll MISS 3D! LOVELOVE!
the very last day ![]() then you'd beScreamin' "Someone shoot me!" As I fail miserably, Tryin' to get the girl all the bad guys want. She's the girl all the bad guys want! I'm so a bad movie. You looked through me from the start. Wanted to go school late today, glad that I didn't. Reach school, went directly to class. Oh-mythreedee! I just miss them more and more D: Mrs Khoo and Mrs Wong's really really nice! They bought us bears! Personalised ones! Ohyayyayyay! Mine's brown 'Our Volleyball Princess' TEEHEE;D Saw the pictures we took over the year, Paisehh, see my face like EVERYWHERE. hahah, the form teachers gave speeches. Got a little emotional, I cried. Yet again. Realised I cry alot alot this year. Lotsa photos taken yet again ;D Yepps and lotsa hugs from the girls. I'll miss EVERYONE! Went home with 2J guys, met them at Jp again. Boo! Have I mentioned how boring guys can be? Lucky becky baobao there ;D Yay, played with her and darling and athletics people xD then meet meimei and went vivo SHOPSHOP, then Amelia Baobeiix came. Ate dinner, lotsa chat and HOME! ;D I love BAOBEIIX JIALI LOVES 3DOTS Cheryl the super GLAM one, haha, Ms Pretty all-rounder. She runs she dances she excels in studies she's great in arts! XiaoXue the Sleeping Beauty, I often wonder what she do at night lah. Just keep sleepng and sleeping! SHE'S CUTE AND #$%^&* MATHS FREAK. Grace Manga Maniac Crazy over prince of tennis, I like her drawings of PRETTY BOYS. HoChing the PRO *ENVIES* I wanna draw and paint like her! And she's damn fast! Rachel the netballer She's like me! She's in love with netball like how i love VOLLEYBALL ;D SeyChee the Boyfriend! Oh-mydarling! I LOVE HER!!! Trying to be as tanned as she is! BOYFRIEND!!! Jesslyn the SJAB CCA LEADER She's damn cool with her SJAB UNI LAH DEEP VOICE I'll never forget. xD TseSin the artist hahah, I'm also artist okayy. I love her Elmo book! I like her decorations! really CHIO! ShuYinn mama my MAMA, I LOVE HER! She takes great care of everyone. & Let's everyone makes fun of her! haah RuoLing Tablemate! She's one of the few that I know when I first came to 3D. She's GREAT! She's the one who helps me when I most needed help! THANKS :D SHARON fatpigg! I love teasing her, makes me feel abit slimmer! hahah ;D Go uni find got future boyfriend. YunHan dumbdumb freak Stop Slacking You Slacker. Make me so jealous. Boo, I'm not as dumb as you think lah. ;D Haagen daz OMG *Please forget* PeiZheng, langarts rep. Smart girl with Whooper long legs ;D YAY YAY Sandra Cheers! Poor thing! Suffer under the hands of sharon and yunhan. I like her, she always cheer me up(: Shuwei secret sharer, She has my deepest darkest secret. Oh, I NEED HER! ABIGIAL Rapunzal teehee; how many combs does she have? SIX! COOL SHIOL! You have been really encouraging! I'll miss you alot alot! Tiening SillyGirl! Keep making me laugh! hahah VOLLEYBALL YAY! YanRan they shyshy one Seldom talk to her, she damn talented in music and langarts! YAY Sharlene Pretty pretty and you're damn smart, yet blur and REALLY SWEEET! BiJun gentle singer, GIVE ME YOUR VOICE! SiQi smilesmile Wonders where she is all the time, bring more sweets! gagag ZhengXiao RUNRUN She's damn fast! trust me! and Damn Smart! Shall continued with the guys soon uhhh, most prob tmr. So manymany to write! In short, I LOVE THREEDEEE Thursday, November 6, 2008
better off without you
I said I'm going to love someone better. No I won't get hurt, I'm not going to cry. No, I won't feel a thing, not for the rest of my life. Sad you, it's not going to work anymore. You can't hurt me. teehee - off to be loved! Labels: if I play my cards right SYMPOSIUM alright ![]() Tomorrow will be the last day of school term, the last day I'll be in 3D D: I really really like 3D now. I can't bear leaving, 3D rocks alot alot! The fun we had, and all the crap we said. and how NO ONE, really, no one is being left behind no matter what. I wished I had studied even harder now. BOOBOOS. D: And Mr Jeffry Lum, end of the year liao still getting into troubles. Though it's not exactly your fault this time! JEFFRY! Last year make me so worried this year also >_< Next year not same class liao, better don't make me worry again =X And almost the whole class trusted you Jeffry, and we will continue to! So uhhh, screw the those who suspected you BOOBOO! I hated the way look and ek talk to him lah! That's no way you treat students, when they are not GUILTY! I HATE THEM BOO! Learning Symposium is so totally a BORE. Other than the opening keynote speaker. I think he's fun and somehow cute. LAUGHS! Spent the rest of the time wandering around like zombies. With 3D people ;D Loves them YAY Then went home with 3D girls ;D TieNing was being exceptionally sweet and rough at the same time! Numba one! she help me carry my art stuff! thanks sweetheart(: then she say must work hard lah JIALI! then can continue studying together, if don't know how to do jiu ask 3D ;D Loves loves 3D, next year call 4D minus 1! teehee ;D Looking forward to class chalet (: First and the last. God bless 3D and please do love 3D! The 3D girls song liao lorh! LOVES!!! 遗失的美好 海的思念绵延不绝终于和天 在地平线交会爱如果走得够远应该也会 跟幸福相见承诺常常很像蝴蝶美丽的飞 盘旋然后不见但我相信你给我的誓言 就像一定会来的春天 我始终带着你爱的微笑 一路上寻找我遗失的美好 不小心当泪滑过嘴角 就用你握过的手抹掉 再多的风景也从不停靠只 一心寻找我遗失的美好 有的人说不清哪里好 但就是谁都替代不了 在最开始的那一秒 有些事早已经注定要到老 虽然命运爱开玩笑 真心会和真心遇到 Oh-misses! Labels: Loads and loads of misses Wednesday, November 5, 2008
![]() I'd like to take a peek. To the near future, a peek to see if I'd make the right choice. I don't know what's the best for me now. Should I just accept and move on? Or fight and try to stay together? I'm really tired of making wrong choices. I hope the choice I make will be the right one for me. THREEEDEEOHHHHEEIGHHHTLLLOOOOOVVVEEE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHONGYAN BAOBEIIX! Teehee, my cutest didi! And smartest one too! JIAYOU DIDI, so you can teach your Er Jie! That's what I told him (: I'm so looking forward to 3D class chalet lahh! :D :D :D LOVES SANDEEE! haha I don't care what my parents say liao. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF ME. I SHALL SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO. I've made up my mind to be a bad girl. How about that? Labels: and I rawk Tuesday, November 4, 2008
![]() I've tried so hard, so hard to convince myself that taking another examination is nothing. It could in fact be a better choice for me and an alternative route for me to take in life. Why must you, why must my closest kin crash my little hope of mine into a milliion pieces. I hate you for that, you never listen. To you, whatever you said is true, is right and are the best for me. But I never do always agree with that, you knew. But you chose to ignore me, you think that this would be the best for me. But that is not the truth, plain studying doesn't help when one has a broken-heart, and unclean wound and one with a lost soul. You decided to cage me in the little space of yours hoping I would be better, but how could I do well in such a confined space? Somewhere with entirely no freedom, no space. That's prison and you're treating me like a prisoner. Why should I be one? I have the choice to choose the life I want, to pursue the passion I had, to live to my dreams. Why wouldn't you give me a chance to prove everything right? You just said I know you can do it, without the bunch of bad companies, you would surely excel. Have you ever thought why I would know this so called bunch of bad friends? So you realised Rulang people are the best? My friends aren't bad, why can't your daughter be the bad apple? Why not? You had it coming, you hadn't been caring enough since the day I was born, you were just plain lucky that I had the little bit of common sense more than the norms when I was young and that's it. You never bothered about my results, even when I got seventy plus for maths when I'm in primary one. Oh I'm so sorry, you don't even know what class I was in. You didn't care, so why bother to now?! I don't need you to interfer in my life and I don't want you to. It's of no help at all and in fact, it's a burden now, I don't need you in my life. before or after. During PSLE, I scored really well, better than anyone had expected. Then you started to notice my presence, you felt proud. But what have you done? NOTHING. And you happily go around boasting about your able daughter, thinking how smart I have been and how good a parent you have been. Oh please. I am the one who did everything myself, you don't even know how I feel, I told my deepest darkest secrets to my MAID and not a breath to you. Cas you weren't there anyway. So why should I care? Then my results started to drop, and I didn't want to care anymore. You started to panick, you don't want to feel ashamed that is. So what, push the blame to my friends? Bad companies? Oh yea so right. You never blame yourself for anything. And I'm like so whatever. Now that my results sucked, blames on my bad companies and my passion. Oh please, just say that you're too stupid, and your daughter is therefore equally dumb. Now my only passion that is volleyball is going down the drain just cas you thought that volleyball is the reason why I couln't study cas you can't blame my friends anymore. Great. I don't care anymore now, I'm so going to play what I want an what I like. I don't care if you like it or not, I'm going to live a life on my own. And you are not to interupt it! I HATE YOU for wasting 15 years of my life. Labels: to think you were great Should I be happy? Pokepokes! OH, I should be happy now right? I can be promoted to year4. YAY, butbut... I MISS 3D lah D: I thought 3D was just a class, but now, I realised I LOVE 3D! Me gosh, I can't bear to leave 3D D: 'Nevermind JiaLi, at least we're in the same school, next year class chalet we sure invite you one.' Cries cries! Threeee Deeeee D: Now JIAYOUS JIALI. JIAYOUS FOR THE Os. Like what Nicky says, the Os Class definitely rocks the hell outta RV. Teehee, quite being jealous you Dummies ;D Labels: I miss threedeeohhheightt Sunday, November 2, 2008
YAY. JIALI LOVES TWINN (: BOO. JIALI MISSES TWINN): SMILESMILE JIALI REMEMBERS TWINN BOYF ;D YINGLING LOVELOVE :DDD BEACH WAS REALLY FUN YESTERDAY(: but extremely hot too Dx I think my face got sunburnt, pain lah >_< But only at the beach ;D I bet the rest will hurt even more today ;D *SMIRKS* When to the beach, then went vivo for dinner yesterday. So MALU! I'm like even clumsier than before lahh. Keep knocking into people and tripping myself =X So tired untill I gonggong lerhs >< Then went to watch movies. watched Lakeview Terrance. Omgness, don't know what stupid show that is. DON'T WATCH, story no climax no nothing one. Almost wanted to fall alseep inside lahh >_< Then went home. BOOS, got scolded. My sister never warn me mom bad mood again. Then I hapily come home, and got nagged and nagged. I'm half-grounded at home now. But grounding never works for JiaLi, it just meant curfew. Once again, I have to be home before 9.30pm again DDD: and I shall remember my Cousie's name(: ALAN NG SHAO HUI. Teehee; Oh-muscle-aches. Labels: HAPPY SHIOL Saturday, November 1, 2008
![]() PS: From now on, I love my Teddybear more than anything else. He's my BOYF LOVE TEDDY TEDDY :DDD TODAY RAINED LIKE MAD. Couldn't have training DDD: Guess what we did. PT YAY. Damn Tiring. My legs practically turned JELLY *Wobblewobbles* Then ate lunch with ahlian and fenfen at Pastamania(: And Swensens for ICECREAM! Damn fattening damn sinful DDD: BOOOS Went ahma house, hahha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AH MA! YayYAY, damn alot of people at ahma house liao. Saw lotsa people that I haven't seen for ages lahh. then FATPIG LEWINA TAN TELL ME. [I've been calling lotsa fatpig FATPIGGS recently :P] Alan Ng something hui Omg, I forgot liao. I think my family calls him ah di. LOL! *Wonders why* He looks kinda cool, likes his hair though. Teehee. I HAVE COOL COUSIES :DDD HAPPY LOL I bet he'll Laugh | Smile | feel damn honored if he manage to catch this post of mine. Except for the fact that I couldn't rmb his full name. tsktsk, Shall Take pictures some other time(: ahahh, And mimi got BOYF LIAO. Started baoing all the boyf stuff and who whoever likes there. Oh manzxzx, most of the time I TIO. SIANNNNNN... LOVES FAMILYYYY :D:D:D And I'm going to the beach tmr(: As usual, with AhLianzxzx and boyf and company. May, jason, shawn, zhe, chengpeng, darius, jerica [trying to rmb all the names ;D] and ZIYUN! YAYAYAYAY Labels: TIRED |
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