Wednesday, January 21, 2009
NEWS:VOLLEYBALL BBOYS: Lost to ZhengHua - technical fouls - shameshame. CBOYS: Lost to Shuqun - Great game played till 18. - Gave shuqun a tough fight. LOST TO CLEMENTI TOWN - What a shame! - To pressurized. CGIRLS: WON GREENRIDGE! - good job! - JIAYOUS! - GREAT IMPROVEMENT! Lost to JURONG - JIAYOUS BAHX! NETBALLERS: BGIRLS WON CLEMENTI TOWN AND NANYANG! COOL SHIOL :D BBALLERS: WON ... ? Lost to NEWTOWN =XXX COMMONWEATH BBALLERS: WON CCK. WOOOOOTTTS :DDD Lost to WESTWOOD. DDD: WALAO EH. My fault. GASPS. Saturday, January 10, 2009
Jiali's feeling super bored now.Jiali wants to go to the beach soon. Jiali wants to meet her dear. Jiali's tired of studying. Jiali wants to score prettaye grades. Jiali wants to buy a new pair of shoes. Jiali wants that dress. Jiali wants so manymany things. Like What Volleyballers Say, Or maybe Siannee Darling, ONE IS NEVER ENOUGH! hurhur, I realise I have so many darling now! My Seychee boyf darling My Fenfen darlingzxzx and My Tuesday Siannee Darling! Hearthearts to all darling! ;D Friday, January 9, 2009
THE GROUPING'S OUT!OHMYGOD. IT SUCKS JUST AS MUCH. - JURONG - NANYANG - HUAYI - UNITY - YUHUA BOO! They say YuHua improved alot since last time. Ohmygod, I don't want to lose to them! Nonono! NOOOOO WAYYYYYYYY. Gahhhx, anyways, JIAYOU RVVT. Sunburnt! Once again, cas was under the sorching hot sun for an uber long time yesterday. Ponned class right from the start and yepps, CCA TRIAL. Kinda slack lurh, keep playing volleyball only. We played with the basketballers! I think they got addicted to volleyball. heh heh heh, damn funnaye. Only had an hour of lesson, 1pm to 2 pm. Then CCA! Everyone was damn high and crazaye! ;D All Siannee's fault! Haha, she started singing : It's a sunny, yellow, banana day! Laughslaughs, then setter started singing CNY songs. And I'm Siannee's Tuesday darling. Sunday's for Jiayu, Friday for Lian, Wednesday for Joyce! ahaha, then every night for Cyrus. -Chuckles- Then had dinner with dear :DDD Saw ZiLie, he gave me some retarded face. WALAO EH. =Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And I'm supposed to be studying at the library noww. Too sian liao. I really can't study alone. =X People, do ask me out to studyy. I promise I won't disturb, and I won't ask you to play! JIALI WANTS TO STUDYY! xP Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I miss dear
BOO, feel so weird not texting dear like every few hours.Keep checking my phone, heh heh heh. Hoping he'll be texting me really soon. Now 9pm liao lerh, think he'll only be back super late, or maybe tmr? blahs, so sad. I bet he's damn tired too. MISSES. >_> Today's such a slack day. Jiali's even guai-er today. Totally neh fold skirt at all. Pin up my hair. heh heh heh, and I got listen attentively in class lor! Write notes somemore. GUAI right. Only bad thing is that I didn't hand in zuowen. So hard lah, dowan do! Played volleyball after school today. Attendance damn good, just nice 12 to play match. Then me lian and gen went library do hw. ohmygod, I teach sr maths! For the first time lah, home yay. Getting Jersey on friday. Prayprays that I get a really really nice number! Sunburnt! =X Tuesday, January 6, 2009
PHOTOS! XMAS'08 WEAR 2J'07classtee :D JESTERS! This is probably the only photo I take there lor, or maybe more. Hahah, waiting for dear cuzeen to upload on facebook! ;D DIANA CUZEEN'S WEDDING 030109 Ahyong korkor and ahling jiejie :D LOVES CUZEENS. from the left: angela (mimi), eryi, amanda (ahni jiejie) then kimberly and kerine! :D LOVES CUZEENS AND NIECES! ![]() MY AHGONG'S PRETTY CUTE! ![]() She's wearing my dress! Bleahs ;D I trying to stand not so tall liao lor! Blahblahs; HEELS AT WORK. Monday, January 5, 2009
Oh yay yay yay! Davy's still the best korkor ever!Morning ask him got time pei me go buy router help me fix my com. After school he straight away pei me go! Now my router's fixed, so happy :D HurHur (Jordan doesn't know what that means.) He said she didn't wanna tell him and I didn't too. then he ask me how to pronounce and I'm like hurhur lor. Then he said--- girls. LOL, you dumb jiu dumb lor. BLAME GIRLS. Walao eh. PISSED. Don't wanna be my good friend somemore, degrade to friend?!?! That makes you gary gu lor. Then what, friends to aquaintance uh. EVILZXZX Anyways, I feel so guai today. Did my OVERDUED hw. hurhur. Commonwealth essay, ohmygod, till my hands suan lor. WOOTS :D I LOVE VOLLEYBALL :D and my sweetest dear ;D Saturday, January 3, 2009
wedding dinner.
WhoOshh, Can't go out today.BOO. >_> Yesterday was whooper fun though. hahaahaha. woke up super early in the morning go tuition with my buddy. :D Both of us didn't want to go lor, just that we both thought we both going then we go. LOL lah, ended up yawning like mad at Uncle Peter's house. Mevis just sleep on the table. lOl. Went home, lunch, sleep. SO EARLY LAH. Then went Diana Cuzeen wedding at night. Saw so manymany people I haven't seen for whooper long! hahahaha, got that super dao weijie. WALAO EH, I say hi then he dao me. Then got ahdi and ahqiang korkor. ahqiang korkor like damn long never see him liao lor, he changed alot. hahah, last time nicer though. So sad, heh heh. Then my aunt say I love to chase him when we were young. laughlaughs, so long ago! And chenxi and kangyan korkor. Aiyah, they still the same lah. One so cool one so cute. heh heh heh. and ahneh jiejie. Ohmygod, CHIO. shall upload pictures really soon :D My ahgong making fun of everyone there lah. SO Funnaye. hehhheh. then we counting the number of grandchildren they have. WOOOTS. 27 grandchildren and 3 greatgrandchildren! So many liao! hahahah Number of cuzeens I have Mother side: 23 number of niece:3 Father side. Even more scary, don't know how to count sia. =x Blahblahs, shall upload the photos first then cont mumbling about my family ;D heh heh heh Dear's really sweet this few days. YAY. hahah, sorry leh, can't go out today. =X LOVE YA LOADS THOUGH :D -LOVELOVE^_^ Friday, January 2, 2009
First day of school.
HIGHLIGHTS :- GuoLanHua permed her hair. (Does she meant her hair to be that way?) (fuglier then usual. ohmygod. how can someone like her get worse.) Anyways, she made everyone laugh like mad. - The air-con didn't work. But 3E was far worse. - I got the 2nd row sit at a corner. NOT NICE, NOT BAD either. I wanna sit with yunhan though, she in front of me anyways, grace beside me and mama's behind me. Jeffry's whooper far away again. We're diagonally opposite, really far apart. (We draw lots for our seats -__-) - sundance and all for one, mass dance that is, ain't fun at all. Everyone felt like sleeping. - HEY I'M IN 3D and I'm Still the class treasurer! :D COOLEST of all, our prettaye new uniform! YAY, no more nurse. WOOTS :D Laughslaughs, then trng today. Hiong only lor, JiaoLian pissed with our performance. Made us run a lot lot. =X Now my ankle hurts, but cannot complain. later mom don't let me go trng. =X PAINPAIN! DDDDDDD: BLAHHS... OOHH YA, rulang got volleyball as CCA again! but for guys only lor. SO GOING BACK TO COACH THEM! WOOTS :D VOLLEYBALL LOVELOVE :D YAY YAY YAYNESS =P |
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