Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Home :D
Training was rather tiring today.Went to RJC and played with the A girls. Lost DDD: Won the last match only when they put reserves in. This really shows our standard. BOO. I don't Like playing subset like that. There's nothing much I can do. BOO. tired. i adore jesse mccartney. at his best, he's way better than chace. i don't care! Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Really sad news. My uncle pass away. D: First close one who left DDD: So suddenly, feel so lost. Dear uncle, I'll miss you. I'll see you in heaven someday. WithLove, Jiali Monday, March 16, 2009
Jiali finally met up with TWINN today! :DDDSo happy ;DDD Haha, woke up early in the morning, texted. But fell asleep again right after the first text. Silly me. Had a silly dream lol. Then waited till it was time to go out. And my dear korkor was late by 35 minutes!!! Thanks uh, make me wait for so long. BOO. Went national library, studied chem. Kinda got chased out cas we aren't supposed to be sitting there. Got rather pissed off, went back to bugis junction and sat at mos burger. TWINN CAME :DDD Dear Twinn was sunburnt and was peeling like mad. Heartaches! Miss her loads!!! Then carried on doing chemistry and bits of gossips here and there. Went to eat ice cream. Twinn had strawberry cheesecake, Jiali had mango. Korkor ate lemon. Ice cream fight! Everyone was eating everyone else's ice cream! Super funny lol. Took Neos. (Shall Upload Soon) For the first time this year! ;DDD hahaha, hell loads of fun when not our name but our uh hem's name started appearing all over lol. I got a C Twinn got a G and Korkor got Zzzzzz. Laughs like mad. ;DDD Went dinner and took a walk at bugis street. and byebye to twinn and korkor =( Misses! Went Jurong point, collected photos and 2 rounds of para! ;DDD tahaaaa ;D Super Fun day :DDD JIALI Loves Twinn. and korkor! Labels: Twinn Sunday, March 15, 2009
![]() Then went Simin's birthday party at night. It've been ages since I last go to their house! Oh my god, miss the days ;D There's so much goodies over there lah. ate and ate, the fondue, the lasagne, the spaghetti, the chicken wing and I'm already drooling. Then was going to have steamboat, sat with Jiajing, and damn. She was sent on an errand by her mom. Waited, then the guys sat on our table, so paisehh, got up went playing with the kids. Then Jiajing came back thought I could finally eat and it started to drizzle. Had to move in, and all the moving in started. When everything's settled, oh-guess-what. My daddy came and he says that he's bringing us home. He didn't wanna stay, and there goes my steamboat. Kept mentioning about my uneaten steamboat on my way home. rahhs. =( Anyways, it's the holidays! :DDD Monday: Meeting korkor, he's teaching me chem(: Tuesday: Going back to school for art I guess. Wednesday: Going RJC VOLLEYBALL :DDD Thursday: Uncle Peter Friday: VOLLEYBALL :D SATURDAY: SUNDAY: SMILESMILE :DDD I wish for a happy ending. Friday, March 13, 2009
Start of March holidays
MY GPA: 2.3Not very good, but still, signs of improvement? Improved Subjects ;D Math: A1 (Double subject) Higher Chinese: B4 Arts: B3 Physics: E8 Screwed Subjects (I CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER =X) Lang Arts: B4 SCS: C6 (Oh dammit.) I WANT MY A1 BACKK!!! Chemistry: F9 (Korkor, please save meeeee) Yepps, hahahah. Anyways, just did PE online quiz, I got 17 out of 20. ZAI lol. Andandand, me and Yunhan won 4 out of 4 teams! Which makes us 100% winners WOOTS :DDD ZAI team! xP A for PE. That's a must! Make my report slip prettier. hahaha. Today had damn alot of fun during CCA! ;D Ran 8 rounds, love running with teammates, won't feel tired at all when running with them, I don't know why lol. Haha, and a lot faster without stopping! Then Coach came, then we did the usual stuff. Blahblah, ended with a two on two. Me and Lian against Siannee and Ziyu. ALL THE BEACH VOLLEYBALL TRAINED PEOPLE other than me. I feel so bad lah, so sorry LIAN, I'm SO NOOB at two on two. Gonna learn how to play two-on-two!!!! BLahblahssx =X LASTLY, SHUWEI SHARON YUNHAN AND ME's BLOGSHOP KINDA THING. Do go take a lOOk. hahha. ;D Anyways, It's french. Means Paradise Kiss. A popular fashion manga lol. ;D Wednesday, March 11, 2009
LAUGH!CIGARETTE: A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other MARRIAGE: It's an agreement wherein a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her master DIVORCE: Future Tense of Marriage CONFERENCE: The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present CONFERENCE ROOM: A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on COMPROMISE: The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece ECSTASY: A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before EXPERIENCE: The name men give to their mistakes PHILOSOPHER: A fool who torments himself during life, to be spoken of when dead FATHER: A banker provided by nature CRIMINAL: A guy no different from the other, unless he gets caught Backache. =( For the first time. Understood how Lian and Fenfen felt last time nao. BOO =( I wished you were here. Today, Weiting called me and says: JIALI! I saw -him- with his girl. AGAIN. and follow by smt not very nice to say here. Then I say, you very bad leh, and you called me just to say this? LOL, for the last time, my dear weiting, I'm so over him. He hates me. I hate him too. :) Sunday, March 8, 2009
Busy day
Such a busy day for me today =XXUncle peter then chiong back home ;D Sharon, yunhan and shuwei came my house lol. A Sneak preview of our secondhand clothes. We're Selling them Online lol. Not yet done lOl. Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Grace chionging her zuowen ( I think ), I was stunned by the fact that the historians were so ridiculously early and I bet yunhan was thinking: (Bet Jeffry's rushing back to see meee). And look at his New- Forever-so-pettaye WATCH. Can't stand him lah, keep changing watches and all are so very pretty, I'm jealous. Pictures done, yeah. Anyways, went national library today. (For CID of course.) Damn slack, was playing with the lift most of the time actually. Laughs. It's really fascinating! Ohmygod, so fast so cool! ;DDD At first me, sharon and yunhan was playing. Then we went to see some photography thing then we decided to continue playing. And we bumped into Lixuan, shaowei & Co and we continued playing. Up to level 14 then down to B3! Wahaha, seems retarded but it's ohmygod addictive!!! Then went CCA, GYM. Did circuit, nothing much actually, chionged everything >_> Coach was feeling prettaye good today, no wind speed at all! ( That means he's not PMSing lol ) Then me, micole, huishan, glennis, stephanie went to listen to the talk made by the four best colleges in london. So Cool lOl, make me so tempted to go overseas to studyy =X UCL, King's college, Imperial college and Lsomething one lol. The first two got me mesmerised lol. EXXXDEEE AND AND AND COLDPLAY's From UCL :DDD Smart cool band lol :DDD Then Huishan's like saying if she ever go overseas the person she's miss will be MG lOl. Then I say please lah, step into the airport only you'll see so much hotter guys then will totally forget him liao lor. Just the airport will do. >_< ANDANDAND JIALI GOT A2 for Chinese Comprehension lOl. NotbadNotbad exxxdeeee CP's so busy recently DDD: Well, everyone's busy. I guess. BOO. Quotes : Absence makes the... SO PLEASE NOT LET ME MISS YOU FOR TOO LONG ;DDD Labels: King's college, UCL Monday, March 2, 2009
ALl those noobs out there =X
Pictures speaks a thousand words ;DEVENTS: DAVY KORKOR's Birthday :D 4Deeohh9 And Mr Ng :D I LOVE HIM :D :DDD ME AND th Fatties SHARON OW's Birthday ;D Don't feel like blogging lol. Anyways, do congratulate me! Scored 28/30 for math test and I'm out of math remedial! ;D And I got B4 for lang arts instead of C5 lOl. prays that I'll do loads better for the second test which Hor hasn't started marking yet. Hehs ;D WORK HARD AND YAY :D LOTSA LOVES :D |
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