Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Didn't go to school today.SICKk Dad didn't believe me, quarreled like mad just now. Pissed off, don't believe don't believe lah. I don't wanna go what can you do. I hate you so much. I have freaking bad mood recently lah. Art is stressing me out so much. Parents, friends, love, everyone. Sucks like shit. And yesterday, I found out that there's actually a bond. It's just that I'm not in it. Even someone who came in years after me, they're actually closer. Do you realise that I mind. I mind what all of you said. I really can't take it anymore. Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Art Movement :D
CHio? xD Say YES! Do art like need whole house liddat :D Hehhehheh ;D extra table pulled in for me. in the living room and my bedroom. can see my stuff everywhere! Woohoo :D Going to chiong again. tata :D Aim for the moon ;D hahah, went out yesterday ;D He came to RV and I had a really hard time trying to ''Smuggle' him in lol. Went to Carls Junior and came back to school to play volleyball with ziyu lian and fenfen. Had steamboat at home with bro, lian and fenfen. They had so much fun suaning me D: Other than Ruixiong, I forbid him to. Just because he's younger than me, he don't have the right to do so! Wahahahah ;D Vitagen are liek one of the best thing on world lol. I'm scared of birdbird, then tiening hughug me! ahahahha, I thnk she scare me more though xD (L) her! :D Sunday, July 26, 2009
Art is killing me D;
Whee JiaLi got do art lol.Though not many but at least i started. Ploxplox ; D Gonna meet Ruixiong tmr! :D Wahahaha :DDD TMR!!! Guess we gonna stone at vivo then come my house for dinner. With Lian of course ;D YAY. And play volleyball! :D Next Saturday going BEACH with RVVT, ruixiong included of course. YAY YAY YAY. TO THE BEACH! :DDD Ohmigosh happaye ;D Favourite mistake, Saturday, July 25, 2009
1 .PICK OUT A SCAR YOU HAVE, AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU GOT IT.On my primary school bus. Was "Fighting" with my sister. 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? It's plain. 3. WHAT DOES YOUR PHONE LOOK LIKE? Old. 4. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? Punk rock. Chinese emo. 5. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE? Kim bum <3 6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? Get my art over and done with. [I wanted to say him but i figured it out that it's not possible.] Okay fine, art also not. -__- 7. WHAT TIME WERE YOU BORN? Afternoon. Around 2pm I guess. 8. ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL TOGETHER? Yeah, duh? 9. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? Pussycatdolls hushhush :D 10. DO YOU GET SCARED OF THE DARK? Yeah, or rather I get scared of being alone. So i'm just not okay being alone in the dark. 11. THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU CRY? Him, my dad? Couldn't remember who came first. 12. WHAT KIND OF HAIR/EYE COLOR DO YOU LIKE ON THE SAME SEX? black. 13. DO YOU LIKE PAINKILLERS? No. I hate medicines. D: 14. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINKS? Coffee! Starbucks :D 15. FAVE PIZZA TOPPING? Cheese enough liao lah :D 16 IF YOU COULD EAT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Cheesecake :D 17. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU MADE MAD? my sister makes me mad at least once a day. I presume that she'll be the one then. 18. DO YOU SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE? Wo Hui Jiang Hua Yu de lor :D 19. WHAT WAS THE LAST GIFT SOMEONE GAVE YOU? 4D girls. A dress :D 20 DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE? Yes ;D 21.ARE YOU DOUBLE JOINTED? WHAT? 22. FAVORITE FRIEND? My twinn! It's really cool to have a friend who looks alike and have the same likings! :D 23. WHAT'S YOUR DREAM CAR? very ex/cool/prettaye convertible :D 24. WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE KNOWING THAT THE PERSON IS LEAVING? Yes. 25. SAY A NUMBER FROM 1-100. 14 26. BLONDE OR BRUNETTE? neither. 27. WHAT IS THE ONE PHONE NUMBER THAT SHOWS UP ON YOUR PHONE THE MOST? mum 28. WHAT ANNOYS YOU MOST? Losers 29. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF THE U.K.? out of singapore you mean. Yepps. :D 30. YOUR WEAKNESS? laziness though most of the people will say stupidity. 31. WHAT WAS THE LAST GIFT YOU GAVE? sandra's pencil box ;D POOHBEAR :D 32. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY? Hols after PSLE lol. Slack like shit. 33. EVER DONE A PRANK CALL? DUh! :DDD 34. WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE THIS? Uploading photos on facebook :D 35. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ABOUT MOST Smile :D or maybe my sometimes freaking zai tikaming skills. 36. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF ALCOHOL BECAME ILLEGAL? uh still drink it anyways. Not as often? Not as if im drinking alot of alcohol now lol. 37 WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? Everyone to go out with me :D Give me a hug and say iloveyou girl! :D 38. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No D: 39. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? Hehheh, once upon a time. 40. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? At times, when it don't get too messy. 41. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE VEGETABLE? Broccoli :D No preference actually. 42. ANY BAD HABITS? I shan't comment on it xD 43. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING CD ON THE SHELF? Why would i put smt embarrassing on my shelf lol. 44. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? duh. I'm so COOL :D 45. HAVE YOU EVER TOLD A SECRET YOU SWORE NOT TO TELL? I guess so xD not something serious though. 46. DO LOOKS MATTER? as long as the person doesn't look hideous. I think personality more important lah. How can anyone go out with losers. 47. HOW DO YOU RELEASE YOUR ANGER? Scream! 48. WHERE IS YOUR SECOND HOME? Grandma's house ;D 49. DO YOU TRUST OTHERS EASILY? Kinda. Always regretted that D; 50. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? Lego and those kinda cooking stuff xD 51. ARE YOU AFRAID OF GROWING UP? A can't wait to grow up! 52. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Sometimes. I hate it when people don't understand it. 53. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? I believe in god. 54. DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS? Kinda. Most of the time. 55. WHAT IS THE MOST PAIN YOU HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED? heart pain D: (As in literally) I'll just squeeze into a ball everytime that happens. Blame my weak heart. Sucks. 56. DO YOU UN-TIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? No ;D 57. LAST THING YOU SPILLED? My drink. yesterday. 58. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? used to. 59. FAVOURITE COLOURS? White. maybe yellow now. I'm a very colourful person actually. 60. WHAT'S THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? My sister's keeper. 61. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? I don't really care. I'm just bored. 62. WHAT'S YOUR DREAM VACATION? Somewhere romantic. I don't mind some beach resort or like paris, the most romantic place on earth :D It srs depends on who I'm with :D 63. LAST THING YOU ATE/DRANK? Salad my mom made. 64. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Kai Jun's mom 65. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? Nope. though it happened to SIM. 66. FAVOURITE DRINK? Milk 67. FAVOURITE ZODIAC SIGN? Gemini :D 68. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT? Volleyball :D 69. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? Brownish black. Okay fine, It's really brown at the ends. D: 70. EYE COLOUR? Black. 71. TALL OR SHORT? TALL :D 72.SIBLINGS? 2 sisters and a brother. 73. FAVOURITE MONTH? MAY <3 74. DO YOU LIKE SUSHI? Great! 75. LAST THING YOU WATCHED? TEEVEE? 76. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE YEAR? everyday's a favourite ;D 77. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? it depends. 78, SUMMER OR WINTER? summer 79. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? relationships duh. 80. WHO ISidk THE MOST LIKELY TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? idk 81. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? idk 82. IS ANYONE IN LOVE WITH YOU? idk. 83. BIGGEST FEAR(S) being alone. pressurize. suffocated. 84. LOUD OR QUIET? loud 85. FAVORITE MOVIE? romance. 86. IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU MET SOMEONE WHO HAS CHANGED YOUR LIFE? yes. I love you ;D 87. HAVE YOU EVER REJECTED SOMEONES CALL ON PURPOSE? yes 88. FACEBOOK OR MYSPACE? 89 MORNING OR NIGHT? night 90. DO YOU SPEND YOUR LIFE ON FACEBOOK? At times. 91. DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN ONE WORD. Nice ;D 92. DREAM JOB? architect/ event planner(Fashion runway kind or wedding) 93. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTER-LIFE? No. 94. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MARRIAGE? happy and blissful with the one you love. 95. HAVE YOU DONE SOMETHING YOU REGRETTED IN THE PAST YEAR? Yes. 96. IS THERE SOMEONE YOU WANT TO BE WITH RIGHT NOW? DUh 97. IF YOU COULD GET PLASTIC SURGERY WHAT WOULD IT BE? my thighs. Fat. 98. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU WATCHED A MOVIE WITH? 4D people <3 99. WHAT WAS IT? Harry Potter and the half blood prince. 100. TAG 25 PEOPLE! Whoo! I'm done ;D Friday, July 24, 2009
i'm so going to start on art. *Swears*
Helloo :DHad my first training after so long yesterday. Though we didn't do much cas of the talk by our 'dear' Teacher IC. Anyways voted for our Adiv CCA leader. Huishan wants it DESPERATELY. I said, wait till your eyebrows longer than mine lah. Ester said, I'll vote for you if there's only me and you in the team. Wahh, sad uh, hahaha. Then trained the year ones. Yeah, kinda slacked my way through. Ohya! Pissed, the court's freaking dirty. My eyes hurts lah. Keep spamming eye drops D: Coach still say not the courts' fault, my contacts dirty. LMAO... >_> Then waited for Fenfen to bathe and bused to my house. :D Lian came too after going home to put down her stuff. She's didn't go school yesterday lah, she was sending Roxanne off. Sad uh D: Speaking about roxanne, I realised I haven't spoken to her for so long! Continuing with fenfen and lian at my house. fenfen left at 10 plus and lian at 12. Freaking tired. Slept rightaway after they left. Wonders how lian muster so much energy to continue singing after leaving my house lah. Can only say that you're zai! (L) Lian and fenfen :DDD too! Alrighty going to do art soon :D Then BBalling with wing & co later i guess. Woots ;D iloveyou. all the same from when we were young, when we start growing up, until we are grown up, until we grow old. I wish for it to be all the same. Labels: (L) all the same. Thursday, July 23, 2009
RuiXiong's BAck! :DTwirls around the room :D can't wait to see him ;D Gonna go out tgt, people where should we go!? ohmygod, gotta ask the rest of volleyballers ;D MISS YOU! :D Labels: sweden Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Jiali is late for the third time this term day.
Ohgreat, this term has barely started and I'm late three times.This means that I can't be late anymore D: Damn, anyways something really happy. JIALI GOT 40/40 for maths! Happy things just keep coming nowadays ;D Then had some SC campaign thing. Ohshoot, shouldn't have voted for chikan right. Oi, how long you take my acrylic paint liao sia. Are all Rv Volleyball guys like that. Lent two times two times never get back. Leung Chikan you heard that yeah. >< Then went JP and had KFC the third time for the week. (Note today's wednesday =X) With Mama, Papa(Kendrick), Jason and Jeff. Went Jeffry's house and watch the guys game. It's kinda lame but the killing part is so cool lOl. I think the more i go out with that bunch of guys the more saddistic i get. Damn. Anyways, buck up lah kendrick. Hahaha (I know you read my blog at times) Kill people not very hard sia. Tahahahahaha ;D Time to mug PHYSICS! So sorry mr SEE-TOH (Like how Danni calls him) I have to chiong physics instead of art now. After physics will chiong art. I swear. Well, bear with me tmr. So sorry. heh heh. BYE. Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I need starbucks!
![]() Ohmygod, desperately wants to go high-heel shopping with volleyballers! Currently mugging for physics though I kinda gave up hope. Anyways, I joined twitter just cas of fenfen. YAY. hahaha. Tweettweet. Can't believe another day just passed. I've just wasted another day instead of art! D: School was all the same. Nothing exceptionally funnaye happened. Went eat lunch with Lian. Tio pangsehhed after that cas boyfriend is definitely more important than teammies. Waited for fenfen to come and went to her house to mug. Her boyfriend pangsehhed her so she accompanied me. Another case of boyfriend first teammies don't know where. PloxPLox. Had dinner at fenfen's house. Mug abit more. Listened to how she picked fight with boyfriend. Went home. YAY. Here i am. It amuses me when couples could pick fight so easily when some people makes me can't even bothered to do so. Not trying to be mean here but yeah, that's how I felt. Maybe you can try being a snub. Seriously, from my point of view and from most of my girlfriends, girls generally prefers the "bad guys". Girls would rather get snubbed at rather than having a guy whining before we started whining and says "I can't live without you all the time". Like come on lah, who on earth can accept that. Maybe there are people who can. Definitely not me. Speaking of that, ohmygod, guys who snubs are so cute lol! Okay, maybe it depends on situations but yeah, he's like that! Girls would definitely put up a strong front, trying to argue their way through. But deep down inside, awww, they'll be saying " Awww, he's so cute!" Oops, leaking too much of girl's stuff i guess. That's just it. Back to mugging mode ;D Labels: Cute guys, Korean guys, snubby guys Monday, July 20, 2009
Harry Potter :D
![]() Anyways, I was the first to wake up in the family today. Not exactly in the good way though. Guess what, mom's alarm clock died. I woke up at 6.45, hapily thinking that it was 5.45 and was wondering why mom didn't come to wake me up. Went out of the room thinking I was great waking up all by myself and trotted to my parents' room waking mom. She jumped up and she's like screamed. I was still at loss when mom woke up the entire family, alarmed in fact. I'm like WHY, very late meh!? She screamed at me saying that it's 6.45!? And I go "oh! " Then got back dilly-dally my way through. Well, it's typical of me to be late. I suppose. Went school blahblah, was showing off to Guo that I was the earliest to wake up in my family! She smiled, I guess she believed. That's the truth anyways. Blahblahblah. Then after school me, Ngaim and grace went to get tickets for the rest of the peeps. Harry potter! The so-long-awaited show. It ought to be great! (Notice the it Ought To Be) Like what Jeff said : It called the Half-Blood Prince cas the storyline's halved. Agreed! The funniest part of the movie is when Potter was dragged down and Ngaim screamed and clung onto me! I told everyone that 'he' eat my tofu! HAHAHAHAH. It's great to be with 4Dots yeah. Funnaye peeps. :D Took long busrides with JefFRY, tiening and Jason :D Chitchat with FENFEN and LIAN on the phone. Oh how much I misses them! The days where the three of us were together. More Often I Mean D: HighHeel Shopping soon girls! :DDD POOPOO (L) You Guys. Though you two always gang up to bully meeeeeeee. (Now I serioiusly hope you guys don't read this.) I'm feelin' crappaye Anyways, after so long, I realised being single is the best. I guess that's just me, I can't stand being restricted anyhow. I have such high expectations that I think only perfect guys fit. That's Impossible. I know. Well, I admit my maturity just ain't there yet. So yeah, single I will remain. Until my perfect guy comes for me or I'll just have to grow up. Whichever comes first. Till then, I'll spend more time with studies and friends! I (L) You PEOPLE :D:D:D:D Labels: not her. So come to me (:, You're Perfect For Me Friday, July 17, 2009
Art was surprisingly fine yesterday.Other than Yunhan calling my people pretty aliens. Gahhs, must learn how to draw people nicely. Anyways, tried to draw Brandon and Quan:D and Sirui and some Chingay people. Gonna show Brandon, if i don't screw painting him that is xD Yepps, bballed with class people today again. Well, I still pretty much suck. Need more practice! Tahaaa, Bball is actually trying to keep me moving before training starts. Damn, getting so fat that Mom started complaining already! She's like, you uh! So fat still eateateat, no wonder wear whatever also not nice liao lah. then later nobody want you how!? I'm like meh. Nobody want mummy wash clothes for me forever lor. Pskkk, it's not wrong to be fat kay. I'm not THAT fat either what, BMI also not above 20... To Calculate BMI:Yepps, 15 is severely underweight FYI. Don't understand why Jeffry's aiming for that. Your BUTT also don't have 7KG lah! Yepps, then went Alexandra Village for lunch! With Shuying mama, kendrick, yunhan, jeffry, yaorong and tiening! Had Ba kut teh and Avocado drink. People, AV has the nicest ba kut teh on earth! What are you waiting for!? Get going! Home, slack till now. gonna start chionging art tmr! A.G.A.I.N. I can't make myself believe that you don't love me anymore. Thursday, July 16, 2009
I (L) Kim Bum
![]() I still like him better at BOF. He's like so Casanova lah, how can he never had girlfriend at the age of 20! Damn, I (L) Kim Bum! That Zhihou guy so loser! Don't like him kayy. wahhaha. Yi zheng Best! :D:D:D:D Woohoo. JIAYOU ART! Sunday, July 12, 2009
Early Bird :D
Finally woke up early to do a lil bit of art.Exactly one month to go JIALI! Work HARD. Yeah, getting out of home soon. Early uh... Gonna go running with teammies! :D Wahahah, after gaining so much fats. Time to burn HAHAHAH. Then lian gonna teach fenfen maths. Most probably me too. Meh, math test later. Hope I won't screw. Woohoo, JIAYOU. PS: I bet mum's happy that i'm starting on art. Then she'll give me my moneh back! Meh. oohh ya, must remember to tell justin. SO SOORY FOR pangsehhing D: Who ask you stay so far away lol. Faster move to jurong/ bukit timah/ wherever. Beats AMK. Blahsx. Friday, July 10, 2009
I love you, man!
![]() Woots, going out with uh HALF OF JVS later :D hahahaha, Ana, Justin, Jiaqian and ME :D Go plaza watch movie when I'm Broke. Ana also broke lol, she's in town for the past few days. Even today and tmr that is! x) hahahha. Might take photos. So SEEYAA :DDD JCS :S Got this from Shuwei's blog. Apparently, she got it from somewhere else. It's really funny though. HAHAHAA Q: How many RJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: 4 whole faculties. One to design the new bulb, one to manufacture and test it out, one to write a proposal on it and one to market it. Q: How many HCJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: The whole school. To compete with RJC! Q: How many VJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: The whole school. One student to screw it in and the rest to cheer, wave flags and banners to give him/her support. Q: How many NJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They can study without light. Q: How many AJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They’re too busy trying to be one of the top 5 JCs. Q: How many ACJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They’ll rather use all their money to employ YJC students to do it for them. Q: How many YJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. Only one teacher to tell them what a light bulb is in the first place and to demonstrate how to change the light bulb. (So how do you think they’re able to change it for ACJC?) Q: How many CJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None.They’ll prefer it to be darker. (Hmmmm? *raises eye-brows*) Q: How many JJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. Their physics is so bad that they made their macho teacher cry. Q: How many TPJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. Would they even bother? Q: How many SAJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They believe in praying for it. Q: How many NYJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They are still using oil lamps. Q: How many SRJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: Huh, what litebarb? Q: How many PJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: Heck the light bulb lah, the principal would do something about the rightbarbs. Let’s do 300 jumping jacks for not wearing the proper school attire. Q: How many MJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They are too busy trying to get promoted. Q: How many IJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They are Innovians. They’ll find innovative ways out of the dark. Q: Who wrote all this? A: A TJCian Q: How many TJC students does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They think they are already very bright. E-learning day! E-learning day! Damn, too broke to go out. Ohwell, stay-at-home-study/(facebook)- day! Hahaha, Shuwei just told me that the Aldo heels I've always wanted 50% off. $117.50 NOW Damn. When I'm so broke now. D: No more shopping for Jiali. For the time being. And more art and study time!!! Gahhs, I need motivation. D:D:D: Hey people play rock legends! :D Wahaha, facebook is so Addictive. Thursday, July 9, 2009
Our destiny intertwined.
Didn't go art today.Really damn sian liao lah. Go there also won't do anything. So i went home(: Took 51 one lah, wanted to change to 30 and i cleverly alight at the wrong stop. Before that I still text Jordan when I'm supposed to text Jordyn lah. So dumb, don't know what's wrong with me today. Not enough sleep bah >< Was dying in class lah, last period language arts I was already sitting on the floor liao lor. Cas I was too bored, as usual, Mr Hor didn't care. He's nice lah, but yeah he always go off topic or just talk to a student instead of the class. So almost the whole class just ignored him. SAD uh, there goes my A for lang arts. This year not even once i get A lah All Bs D: Damn, I miss Mdm Chia. She rawks. Met meimei at Jurong point walk awhile then went home. Damn, ate hell loads for dinner since i missed lunch... I'm getting fat without training D: Speaking of training, MICOLE'S MOVING TO BOONLAY on the 11 of AUGUST! YAY, we can go home after training next time :D Can go each other's house, so near. YAY all teamies move to boon lay lah! HAHAHA and countdown together every year! Now that I realise the year's ending really soon. Buink buink and everything's over lah! Damn I feel EOY running towards me D: SHOO! I'm not prepared yet! SHOOSHOO, going for maths tuition now. And tmr's E-learning Day. Means wake up late and people send me ANSWERS. 4Deooh9 rawks lah. Though we always don't have time to go out together. I think the time we spend in school rawks. We are one happy class! Love you guys :D Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Damn, I'm going to be late for school again. DxWalao eh, stupid lag com. I can't upload my art stuff. [But can Blog -.-] Now, let's see how i get killed by seetoh later kayy. (((: I CAN'T FIND ALL MY THUMDRIVES WHEN I NEEDED THEM ALL. DDD: time for a change! Forgiveness is the sweetest revengeIf that's so, won't you forgive me. Make her dissapear lah. [I can't help it but to have such evil thoughts] Alrighty! :D Time for a change. Untouched for the moment till i find something better. HAHAHA, I should get my blogging bug back! Mummy's pissing me or rather herself now. Damn, we've been quarreling since morning before I went out. By the way, I was late for school. First time since the school term starts kayy... Jeffry was late too. Again. Back to mum, I bet she's deducting my allowance yet again! D: Gahhs, now she wanna give me daily instead of weekly cas she insisted that I've been spending too much. Daddy's on her side today. BOO. In two weeks i have like a new dress(4D girls paid), a pair of shades and a pair of sneakers(Mum Paid). So I've only bought shades lah. That's a lot. Lucky I'm not really home this few days. Have been going to my grandma's house right after school for the past week. YAY. So ya poor sistas and brother suffer at home with my PMSing mum. oh yah! Yesterday, my ahgong damn cute! Keep asking me to go buy oranges, rambutans and mangosteens for him lah. I ask him how much he want and he said 2kg of rambutan 2kg of mangosteens and 10 oranges. I say SERIOUS UH? He nods. Just when i'm about to go, mummy called. Told her and she said CANNOT! Then I laugh at my ahgong. Aww, so sad mummy say cannot! Then he's like cannot cannot lor. I bought him oranges and apples today though ;D NOW HOME :D Damn, tmr lessons damn long. 1hour MATHS following that will be 1h20mins of both languages. How ROCK. ANd there's still art after that): BOO D: and yeah, i haven't started a least bit on my art. No motivation sia. DAMN. Why must we take Olevel artD: COMPLAINS i wanna go out! Sat celebrate Justin's birthday. JVS PEOPLE CAN??? Anyways he wanna watch I Love You Man. Since he's the birthday boy[belated] let's go with him ;D Yeah Maybe can catch transformers too? DAMN. Why so many people watch transformers liao. I WANT WATCH LAH. MEGAN FOX SO HOT! |
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