Saturday, January 23, 2010
Boo! Wanted to bball with darling and the usual people at ntu today.
But darling had truckloads of homework to do.
So nobody went in the end.

Bballed with tiening, jo and boyf, wing blahs at jurong spring. ((:
Omg, recently like always so many people lor.
Sian, like just sit down and watch them play.
Then played at opp my house that LAN court.
Played full court!
hahaha, my team super cute!
Cas we were losing...
Then they gather everyone(inourteam) like erm gaston yijun cheesiong junbin and yuanlong then we OSH! Team cheer! Then continue playing.
Super funnaye lol xD

have to do hw now.
like so sian.


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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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