Friday, April 30, 2010
![]() RAWR . I'm freaking tired lol. econs test and 3 hours of physics today is making me so shag ): OHWELLS, its the long weekends! JIALI MUST: -watch Monga with 4D people on mondayAhhh JIAYOU ((: Favourite mistake? Perhaps you're a memory now. Thursday, April 29, 2010
&&& JIAYOU MUGGING FOR ECONS PEOPLE! Lecture test tomorrow! ): (L) and back to studying, jiali! :P Saturday, April 24, 2010
Experimenting different fonts.
![]() Apart from doing CIP on Saturday morning... OMG lol, gonna go crazy if this goes on! Was editing my PI yet again yesterday. PI's less than 10% of PW and we're already working SO HARD. Can't imagine how i would be like for WR and PPT D: Urgh, damned. Now, GP. I have completely no idea what to write can! Someone Save Me. ): Jealous. it's so hard not to think about it. Labels: obvious Wednesday, April 21, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEVIS!hahahha best budd on earth! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIENING! hope you like the red box of goodies:D:D:D ![]() hahaha i ate 3 cups of YAMI yoghurt! Super nice :D teehee, then came home right after school. Haven't done that for such a long time. SHUANG:D but now, mugging for econs ): JIAYOU for tomorrow! :DDD TEEHEE. I'm still very happy((: Labels: see you again Saturday, April 17, 2010
it was so real
![]() I can't breathe properly now. Let alone thinking logically. Thinking of someone i shouldn't have. HAHA. JIAQIAN JIE, GOT BOYFRIEND NEVER TELL ME. ONLY GET TO KNOW THROUGH FACEBOOK LOR. :d emo shit. been cooping myself at home today. I'm just too lazy to go out. stay at home and mug for econs (Doesn't sound jiali right :P) Labels: stop thinking Tuesday, April 13, 2010
and your hand held mine so tightly
FAILED PHYSICS DAMN BADLYEMO TTM D: haha I should have gotten used to it shouldn't i? O_O Was actually looking forward to pe today, finally can play after NAPFA. Who knows, got caught for wearing old PE tee. A whole lot of us. PE MODULES AVAILABLE: floorball softball touch rugby badminton mainly repeated PE modules. How interesting O_O I'm determined not to get into any of them. Just gonna run during PE. HAH. thank god, this sweet dream a had in the morning kept my day up and going. Omg, haha happy. Darling! I want to tell you lor, but i SHY. :P teeheee, anyways, of course i got think of you lah! As i've always said, you my darling leh! :D could a dream be a reality? O_O Friday, April 2, 2010
4D outing @ my house today.FREAKING TIRED. Joke of the day: I (L) 4D :D Lastly, You still do think of her; I still think of you. You know; I know. Can't you just turn around? I feel giddy all of a sudden. D: |
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