Monday, May 31, 2010
been a long time since i last blgoged. kinda.
Had a really crazy week lol!

Last monday was sports chanbara, made my back ache like crazy but (Y) fun! hahahah
then went to VJC for briefing and spent the next few days there.
omggg they fed us like crazy!
it's like bfast, lunch, teabreak, dinner!
got to know really nice friends like peiqi, pamela, SHERYLNN, and a really AWESOME groupleader, marrissa! haahahaha.
on the last day, had mountain biking. OMG im totally not that kinda person. got scratches all over meee. )):
hahah lasst but not least there's tonnes of chio girls and cute guys in VJC!!!
Jealous ttm T_T

then worked @ toapayoh from friday to sunday! haha damn tiring but got to see a mediacorp artist at the very least! ZZEN ZHANG LOL. actually, that was the first time i actually noticed him T_T he's acutally NOT BAD.hahhah i was promoting DVD to him lol. Shuang dao! :P
Can't wait for PAYDAY :P

ANDAND today's like the best!
Darling and baobei jie gave me a really huge surprise! THANKS LOADS :D

Previous Posts:
what about her? HELLO PHYSICS! Guess what?I'M SO GOING TO PAWN YOU... The degree of substitutability. Well, I guess I haven't been a good enough friend.... WHY DO I SUDDENLY MISS THOSE GIRLS!?not a teeny we... RAWR .I'm freaking tired lol.econs test and 3 hour... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! ((:HAHAHA LOVE YA LOADS AN... Experimenting different fonts.'s so hard not to think about it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEVIS!hahahha best budd on earth! :...
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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