Monday, July 19, 2010
Shinee :D
i'll never get enough of Shinee lOl. they're so so so cute! :D:D:D this week's gonna be an insane week for meee tuesday - physics remedial till 6)): wed - EFC presentation at NUS - meet twinn right after that! probably to kayyboxx then dinnerr :D thursday - mug with ziyi until 3.30 - meet darling for movie! inception (L) fridayy - hmmm lesson till 4.30? i'll probably go home straight and collapse on my bed on friday lah. so people, don't ask me out till the weekends. :P ILY. hehhehhhhh i'm not desperate, just plain jealous. don't show off alrightt! :P Sunday, July 18, 2010
回呼吸的痛:/在東京鐵塔 第一次眺望 看燈火模仿 墜落的星光 我終於到達 但卻更悲傷 一個人完成 我們的夢想 你總說 時間還很多 你可以等我 以前我不懂得 未必明天 就有以後 想念是會呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落 沒看你臉上 張揚過哀傷 那是種多麼 寂寞的倔強 你拆了城牆 讓我去流浪 在原地等我 把自己綑綁 你沒說 你也會軟弱 需要倚賴我 我就裝不曉得 自由移動 自我地過 想念是會呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落 哼你愛的歌會痛 看你的信會痛 連沈默也痛 遺憾是會呼吸的痛 它流在血液中來回滾動 後悔不貼心會痛 恨不懂你會痛 想見不能見最痛 我發誓不讓你等候 陪你做想做的無論什麼 我越來越像貝殼 怕心被人觸碰 你回來那就好了 能重來那就好了 sighs, this song never fails to make me sad. i swear i won't want you anymore. and i won't. but memories do flow back sometimes... memories are kinda cool, that's something only you and me share. not anyone else :| 再也不痛了... Saturday, July 17, 2010
no. 260
![]() hahha, (y) chit chat time with darling! omgggg, there's just so tooo much for us to say. I'm so glad i have you, darling! :D:D:D:D andand IAMSOADDICTED TO KAYYBOXX ask me out people! :D LURVESSS anyway, gonna go out with wing wing and co :D (L) going out with them mannn, funny guys (Y). HEE IM GONNA MAKE MY LIFE ROCK W/O YOU. i'm learning to let go. and i did. it didn't hurt at all. im happy and you're too :D Monday, July 12, 2010
HELLLO PEOPLEi'm done with midyears((: like finally. :D OUT WITH 5K right after that! :D i can't stop enjoying life now:D haha KBOX is so addictive. i'm just going and going LOL whatever will happen if the 8 dollars thinggy is off D: ahhhh :/ Sunday, July 11, 2010
![]() last paper tmr ohhhyeahhhh :D:D:D heeeheee. been out slacking today lol! math tuition in the morning. omg i swear it was boring! then meet fangyuan to mug CSE quite fail! then we walk around LOL so funnaye. met rulang guys in the evening. kind of actually wanted to celebrate yingsiang's birthday (belated) of some sort. went out shopping for gifts instead! so funny, he's such a sweet guy anyway. LUCKY GIRL! ahhh, then chat at yakun about random stuff! LOL. PSSSSSSSHHHHHHHKKKKK! YAKUN HAS DAMN NICE HOT LEMON TEA really! hahah. must try it alright! hehheh, things that i ate and drank today: yami yoghurt (medium) with cranberry toppings :D 4 水馃? not sure if im right lol. chweeeeee kuay? LOL a tall vanila latte from starbucks hot lemon tea from yakun. THAT'S ALL :DDD JIAYOU FOR CSE BABES! :DDD and BIO AND HISTORY~ PS: gonna go kbox tmr! LOVE MY LIFE~ :D:D:D:D Saturday, July 10, 2010
![]() haha, been watching his variety shows recently. HE VERY VERY CUTE :P heeeheeee, (Y) anywayyyyyyy, went JP today cas i can't seem to mug at home. then went shopping at JP T_T went into 3 boutiques and saw guys paying for their girls at every single one! ahhhh faints, so very jealous! hahaha, not that i wannna take advantage of anyone. BUT SO SWEET. or rather, so 幸福!!! haha reminds me of TTMM. xD (it means tiantianmimi) heeheee SO FUNNAYE. JP got DIVA now. went to take a look. saw a really prettaye pearl headband! 9 bucks only. AND I WANTED TO BUY. the saleslady very nice (y) she ask me to try. I told her my previous headbands keep slipping off my head. she touched the back of my head then say my head should be able to wear de. THEN I TRIED. AND IT'S FREAKING SLIPPING OFF SLOWLLLLYYYYY. what the shit, she say my hair too smooth. conclusion, HATE MY HAIR! so ridiculous, hair too smooth T_T FML. oh, and i completely threw cse at the back of my head. :O ohshush. 回忆起我们小时候, 闭上眼就能够感受。。。 Friday, July 9, 2010
just like her :/
![]() especially fashion design! Fashion design is so COOL! So envious of people who can draw so prettily ): I shall work hard, and doodle my life away. maybe i can draw as well a hundred years later :/ this girl has an extremely unique drawing style! so quirky and crazy use of lines lol! this is one if the more normal work from her lol. she uses prismacolours and ink! (the slack way as i always kinda did) anyhow paint then use ink to do details. hah, though mine so fail T^T ANYWAY, ONE LAST EXAM TO GO! GO FIGURE!! :DDD Thursday, July 8, 2010
you're the only exception
“The moment my eyes fell on him, I was content.” Hello :D I actually gave up on maths (Y) wish me luck people. I need tonnes of them now T_T i can't wait to play now. DEPRIVED. D: gonna sleeeeep noww :D (11.00pm) Wednesday, July 7, 2010
faded memories )):
![]() but i just feel like slacking. BOO! anyways the past papers were damn sucky. i know im so going to die so badly )): ewwwwwwwwww. twitter is getting interesting. LOL/ Thursday, July 1, 2010
all that i want
hehheh, ate KFC today :p sinful food every single day lol. got my kaka bottle finally, but kaka totally look cui there T_T FML LOL. I WILL MUG I WILL MUG I WILL MUG. chants. chants... ... ... SCREAMMMMM! I WILL NOT GET A U GRADE FOR PHYSICS. I WILL PASS MY ECONS. I WILL PASS MY MATHS. I WILL PASS CSE. GO JIALI! JIAYOU :DDD haha, i want someone to smile; just for me, :p and i'm gonna keep a lookout for a HOT AND SEXAYE dress for luoziyi! woohoooooooooooooooooo~~~ |
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