Sunday, August 17, 2008
MUG and Slack ;D
have been really guai recently. hehsFri: Phototaking for CCA :D YAYs... then training was TOUGH! JUMPjump and more jumps! Arhhhhh.... I HATE JUMPING. Shuttle run, and stuff. Then did receiving when coach serve. WAS NOT BAD ON FRI! So happy ;P YAYs Went TOAPAYOH after that for nothing. HUISHAN that's very nice of you. thanks for wasting my time. Yepps, and jerian and Co will laugh at us. Just for you to have a glimsp of hope to see MG, ARGH. not gonna believe in you LERH. SAT ;D Walk till tuition teachers house and i TURNED AWAY Didn't feel like going at all lar. lagged and JP for an hour then went home. changed and went JE to meet fenfen(: I totally miss cookies and cream iLLUSIONS Wheeeee ;D then fenfen and i went to eat tau suan and kopitiam argh. got one guy called XIHUT in front of us. was talking about his name, hahah then fenfen say so loud that he and CO heard! PAISEHHH! then they keep looking at us =X YOUR FAULT LAR, wenn then she came my house, eat dinner. played volley in the dark :D when to art today. haha acrylic while the others did sketch, SIANN when home and waited for fenfen to come, had lunch and we studied ;D YAY. talk slack and then she went for tuition. played neopets! super uber long never play xD hehs... then JiaQian Jie came my house STUDIES!!! haha HOW I WISH that i'm DONE with CT ;X GOOD LUCK PEOPLE:D |
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