Monday, October 13, 2008
feeling SILLY
Oh Yeah, Exams will be over soon, JIAYOUS JIALI (:

I'm so bored that i started taking quizzes.

One of them is like Are you desperate?
Not really...
I don't really need a guy, although it would be nice to have one.
I can think independently but I do think that a few guys are above average in the looks department.
Laughlaughs ;D

Do You Know How To Flirt?

You are Charming with Caution

Your motto: I'll let him know I'm interested, but I won't throw myself at him.

Your smoothest move: Those slick, did-she-mean-to-do-that touches that leave a guy
interested but wondering whether you reeeally like him.

Your recurring nightmare: Being nice is, well, nice. But have you ever noticed that some guys misinterpret your just-plain-friendliness for flirtation? Make sure that you aren't sending mixed signals to guys you aren't looking for love with. For example, keep the playful touches to a minimum and throw around the word friend a lot in your conversations. But when you do dig the boy? Work that magic.
[Ohpulease, you aren't that hothot ;D]

Are You A Babe?
You are a Babe! You are very appealing to a man and have great inner beauty and strength as well as physical attractiveness. You take pride in your appearance and like a man who appreciates it! You like being accepted as a person rather than a sex symbol and you like a man who is intelligent as well as good looking.
{The sentence are from nnot true to very true}
I do love smartsmart hothot guys ;D
Who doesn't? lOls

What "guy qualities" do it for you?

You picked Mr. Sensitive. He's about as comfortable and friendly as an old pair of jeans---and will more than likely never break your heart.

And I almost Had you
and i didn't even know it
I spent my time hoping you'd love me
You kept me guessing
here i go thinking about the things that i could have done
I know we had our problems
I almost wish you'd love me too
But I still didn't inn the end,
no matter what I do, I still couldn't have you.
She thinks that love, but he doesn't think so.
It's stupid and contagious to think that I love you
Yay, I think I wouldn't want to love you anymore,
You suck!

All the no link stuffs in one post
Please ignore me people =X
I'm feeling SILLY

gonna study after dinner!

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MUGMUG POOPOO<3 Hot Guys ;D Which to bury? The JAYS ;D Oh Exams JIAYOU JIALI Last Day Of Holiday TIRED D: In another Life
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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