Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ima Weirdo x|

I think That explains Why.

I swear I'm really really weird today!
Haha, I swear!
Reach home at 10plus yesterday night,
Blahblahs; watched BPL :D
DAMN LONG mei you kan liao.

Then watch Iforgot-whatshow xD
Then chat with meimei in the room till like 2am bahx.
Okay for the last half an hour I was practically talking to myself.
While my good meimei was sleeping like a log x/
Woke up at like 3.30am, I wonder why too.
So not me lahh, JiaLi don't wake up so early one >_<

Stares at the ceiling for half hour lahh.
Then went out, got a drink, surf the net, read storybook.
Went to bathe :D And it's 6.30! Yay!
Help MY MOM with a bit of housework!
THIS IS SOOOOOO NOOOT MEEEE! Yepps, and I blogged.

Don't think I'm going out today.
Sorry JiaQian D:
I think my Dad's damn mad at me liao.
Let's go to the beach soon :D
hahah, IMA Beach addict already
Lalas ;D

Previous Posts:
Yayness Guess I could only take a step at a time now.We'll... Move On... DDD: CARRY ON YAY, HAppyhappyness :D SQuabbleS >< HAPPY YAY END OF EOY Lastlast! omgomg! YAYYAY!
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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