Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Lastlast! omgomg! YAYYAY!
Bubble bubbleJust like how you always left without a bye. and left me wondering what to do. You filled me with hopes. and burst every single one of them. What I feel now is just the emptiness within me. OHmannn... I don't feel like mugging already! Last two papers, given up hope on math and don't know what to do for CID! Rahhrahhs! >_> Going for tuition marathon later. So slacking all I can now =X oh-maths I tried so hard to love you. Please don't kill me tomorrow D: I'm that kinda girl who needs alot alot of love and alot alot of nice, sweet surprises. Or that I love you more than anything else. ororor Get out of my sight. yeah, i mean you. I'm trying to tuck you away into a nice dark corner of my life.
I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D Facebook Twitter Affiliates