Wednesday, June 23, 2010
So class outing turned into clique outing eh? LOL
we still had our fun anyway :D

first up, we went seoul garden:D:D:D
first and only buffet in the hols!
hehheh ;P

ehhhh, were we bullying ziyi?
heehee, she refused to take photos with us! D:<
scandalous~ LOL.
pinning's DA PRO! woots!

cool eh? i did that ;)

then we went kbox!
2 hours only, cas it was kinda late T_T
and we totally sang our hearts out!
other than the fact that we know really lil' chinese songs.
other than pinning of course! hahaha.
the guys were far worse than me! bleh!

i have brown hair O_O
awwwwww... jin tian ni yao jia ge wo!

that's all!

sometimes, i really do wonder who reads my blog?
people who cares i suppose. heeheee.
but nah people, i'm really really really not emoing.
haha, there's nothing for me to emo about!
so don't need to worry about me getting hurt, cas i won't!
im just ranting here, thinking that nobody actually bother reading them...

i hope you get what i mean...

Previous Posts:
KAKA'S AWWWEESOMMMEE :DDD(L):Dthank god physics le... Kissin' youSparks fly, it's like electricityI migh... why'd i lie. dots night out Sometimes, it's so much easier to pretend that you... worldly cup! the truth about forever tears swelling one last time HEYLO :Dbeen a long time since i last blgoged. kin... what about her?
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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