Tuesday, October 14, 2008
YAY, two more paper down(:3 more days till exams' over, 3 more papers 2 more exam days Jiayous JiaLi(: Oohhohhh Did Hell lot of shopping today, was practically going into every shop that I see lahh, Lols, pampering myself after exams x) I think i deserve it ANYWAYS, laughslaughs(: <<< This is a really CUTE notebook! Motivates me to buy moremoremore Stuffs(: Wheeee! Bought this book for meimei I hope this is nice ;) So I can like read it after She's done. And i bought really cute bookmarks and uhhh, balloons, and lots lots lots! Shit mann! JiaLi is really broke this week lerhhs >_> This marks the start of her diet too. haha, I don't care, I'm so gonna slim down, Till forty, okayy, or maybe forty-three by this year. My tagboard's Getting really Weird ;D with all my darlings and baobeiix >_> Darling>>> SEYCHEE My Pretty and very very very tan 'boyfriend'! Trying desperately to reach her tan so I can be like her! YAY, I will Jiayou tanning for my darling! <3 FENFEN>>> PEIWOON This one don't needa say siol. She appears in my blog so very often. PS: Her fenfen name originated from MEI TIAN FEN [Not talented] LIANZXZX>>> SEOWRONG This best chemistry teammy YAYS Her name, can guess why bahhx. Laughluaghs! I LOVE HER(: BaoBeiix>>> LIAR >>> AMELIA My very first RV friend(: She's cute and crazaye ;D YAY The Fenfen's Boyf>>> JunJie Ask Fenfen why, Laughs ;P I sound so LES lahhh, Oh my god, Later nobody want me how?! Hey, JiaLi's perfectly straight! She loves cute, smart, sporty, tall, skinny, sweet guys Like who doesn't! haha I'm not desperate OKAYY Cas I WAS JUST JOKING >_> Went Jeremy's house just now, he's damn funny, There's a little over there. He said she was his neighbour's daughter, I said : CUTE! He said, she's really naughty... I said EVIL! CUTE evil CUTE evil CUTE! Saw ZhengYang when I was at the interchange! He was really nice to take the same bus as I do. TalkTalkTalk ;D I like him, he's such a nice person to talk to(: Andand, he understands! haha *shyshys* He's a NICE FRIENDFRIEND! I sense the end, I hope it's nearing, I will end this misery. Labels: towards the end |
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