Thursday, December 11, 2008
haha ;D
Yesterday was uhhh, I-Don't-Know-What-To-Say!
:S Started off with training with the Thai Coach!
Me and seowrong was late! Thanks to seowrong again=P
But the Thai coch super funny, he still ask us eat breakfast ler not.
And when we said haven't he told us to go eat first?! So funny sia...
Then we're like don't need don't need! taaahaaa ;D
training started with
-300 spikes with the wall.
-200 digging with the wall.
-Dig with partner 200.
-spike to partner [jump and never jump one]
- then coach throw ball we spike blahblah

The last one super fun lahh, just keep spiking and spiking! WOOts

Then ohmygod, the thai coach ask seowrong and siannee to join YOG, go to their selection lah.
COOOL!!! Everyone was so high after that then we had lunch at fish&co(:
Then huishan went home with me, the rest went home wash up also lah.
Super long journey sia =X Then went we reach there we're like WOAH.
The girls there super huge. seowrong and siannee compared to them are only like little girls lahh.
So funny ;D The the xinmion coach go tell seowrong and siannee after the warm-up that they can't come in just like that. It's against the proper procedure. Like need to tell school, blahblah first. Like walaoooo.... Come here tio scam.

Then the thai coach came and said he small small here. LITTLE SAY. Damn cute only.
Then I went home with fenfen while the rest went AMK hub. Then slept immediately after I reach home lah, super tired.

Woke up at 11 plus today. Super pigg xP
Then the thai coach text me yesterday lahh, I'm like ohh, okayyy.
The way he text super weirdd cas he can't exactly speak english ;D

Anyways, Who's going to the 6R U L gathering on the 19 of dec???


Previous Posts:
I wonder. a dream come true phmygod :D thai coach WAS OUT WITH FAMILY JUST NOWOOHh GOSH I'm getting ... BANGS SHOPPING QUEEN YAY ;D Vehli bored
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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