Thursday, November 20, 2008
Vehli bored
Super uber boring.So Cooped a quiz from stephanie ;D 1]What have you been doing recently? training, watch teevee, shopping ;D 2]Do you ever turn yr cell phone off? When I didn't want mom to call me :{ 3]What happened at 10am today? I was still sleeping sia xD 4]When did you last cry? EOY period lorh. 5]Believe in fate/destiny? I guess I have to... 6]What do you want in yr life now? To go 4D lah D; 7]Do you carry a umbrella when it rains or just put up yr hood? Put up my hoodie! I'm really lazy yea :P 8]Whats yr favourite thing to have on yr bed? My blanket (: 9]What bottoms are you wearing now? Dark blue shorts =] 10]Whats the nicest thing in yr inbox? People JIAYOU-ing me :D 11]Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? Maybe. When I got myself all confused. But I swear I didn't want anything like that! I just can't help it! 12]Are you wearing anything borrowed frm someone? Not now. 13]What was the last movie you caught? The lakeside terrence I think. Stupid show. haha >_< 14]What are you proud of? UHhh... I just realised. IDK. =X 15]What does yr oldest text msg in yr inbox says? It's about someone JIAYOU-ing me(: 16]What was the last song you sang out loud? When You Look Me In the Eyes - Jonas Brothers 17]Do you have any nicknames? POOPOO, POOPY, Jelly ;D 18]What does yr last receive text msg says? My twinn asking me not to care about someone. ;D 19]What time did you go to bed last nite? 12 plus I think. 20]Are you currently happy? Guess so. Happy-go-lucky lahh. 21]Who gives you the best advice? Seowrong(: 22]Do you eat whipped cream straight frm the can? ohmygod, I used to proudly say NO! Now I have to admit that I did, during 3D chalet. So UNGLAM! 23]Who did you talk on the phone last nite? No one. 24]Is something bugging you now? Yepps D; 25]What/who was the last person to make you laugh? FENFEN. 26]Do you wear toe socks? nope. 27]Who was the last person you missed a call frm? TWINN. 28]Have you ever had your heart broken? Yea DDD: 29]What annoys you most in a person? DUMB. 30]Do you have a crush on someone? I don't know ; 31]Have you ever done cocaine? nope. 32]What is the colour of yr room? Really really light purplish pink. Almost white that is. 34]Do you believe in the saying,’Talk is cheap’? Yea, I always do. 33]Would you kill someone you hate for a billion bucks? That's tempting. But I won't have the guts to do so =O 35]Who was the last person to lie in yr bed? Me lah. 36]Who was the last person to hug you? TWINN 37]Did you see the last person you kissed recently? I haven't kiss people in ages lahh. 38]Do you have a life? Of course ;D 39]Have you ever thought someone died, when they didnt? nope. 40]What is the reason behind yr profile song? I love it. 41]Who was the last person you saw in yr dreams? Some random teacher. lOls 42]Last time you smiled? Just lah, when I talked to Jordan online. He's retarded. 43]Have you changed this year? Yeah, I change kinda frequently. teehee 44]What are you listening to rite now? There and Back again - daughtry 45]Are you talking to someone while doing this? nope. 46]Do you walk with your eyes closed or open? open! most of the time. haha 47]Is there a quote you live by? Happy go lucky lah Everything will go right in the end. (: 48]Do you want someone you can never have? Uhhh, I guess so. 49]Have you ever played an instrument? Yeah duh. 50]What was the worst idea you’ve had this week? downloading pokemon leaf green, which i did. quite disappointing. 51]What were you doin last nite at 11pm? eating supper 52]Are you happy with your love life rite now? I'm single(: 53]What song best describes yr love life? Glamorous. Teeeheee 54]Does the person noe you like him/her? IDK ;P 55]Who always makes you laugh? MY TEAMMIES. 56]Do you speak other languages other than english? YEAH. ENCH! 57]Favourite websites? Uhhh Don't know ;D 58]Whats yr middle name? FABULOUS 60]What do you think you are like? Happy-go-lucky that's what everyone says ;D 61]Who will you choose to die with? Just let me die alone lah. 62]Where have you been today? Home niah. 63]What game do you play often? VIWAWA. teehee Mahjong's getting me addicted. 64]Who are you missing now? FENFEN. She's at Cambodia lah! 65]If you had to choose between your fren or your lover which will you choose? I DON't KNOW! 66]What are you doing right now? quiz lah 67]Which primary school are you from? RULANG(: YAYS 68]Name 3 colours that you like? White Black Green! 69]What emotion do you like to show? SMILESMILE 70]What is yr life to you? Get it over and done with. Teehee 71]If you have something bothering you what will you do? ASK WHAT TO DO LAH That's what friends are for xD 72]Who did you last chat on msn today? JORDAN KWONG 73]Who do you admire the most? Alot lehh, those hot girls. Omg, like why can't I be like them. Haha 74]Which month were you born in? MAY! 75]How are you feeling right now? BORED 76]What is the time now? 4.15PM 77]What kind of person do you think of the one who tagged you? Cooped from steph lah. She's NICE :D 78]What colour did you use to dye yr hair? I didn't dye it. 79]Why are you doing this test? to keep myself occupied. 80]What do you do when you are moody? Depends. ahah 81]At which age do you wish to get married? I don't know. In my twenties of course. 82]Who is more important to you? EVeryone is important yar ;D 83]If today was the last day of your life what would you do? Do All the things I always wanted to do. Then wear prettypretty dress, I wanna die pretty ;D 84]Who is the person you trust the most? Lian, fenfen, twinn, buddy (: 85]Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? Yeppsyepps(: 86]If you had a dream come true wat would it be? That one. 87]What is your goal for this year? Almost the endofyear liao lah, get year 3 life over and done with. haha 88]Do you believe in eternity love? I wish I can. 89]What feeling do you love the most? Happy and Loved 90]Do you think its Global Warming now? yeah duh. 91]What feeling do you hate the most? being left alone. 92]You like doing quizzes? aha, I guess so, When I'm bored! 93]Do you believe in God? Yeah! 94]Who cares for you the most? Mom and Dad 95]What do you think is the most important thing in your life? kinship friendship volleyball and LOTSA LOVE, Money also if possible. Heh, I know I'm greedy. 96]What will you bring when you fight? Loads of Whooper strong guys who will fight for me ;D 97]What have you regretted doing your whole life? Sadly, kinda alot. DDD: 98]What would you do if nobody cared for you? cry like mad until someone cares ;D 99]What would you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you? break up. curse him like mad. haha 100]How do you feel now? Satisfied. I answered 100 QUESTIONS. Now to watch TEEVEE :D |
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