Sunday, December 28, 2008
If you have been tagged in this, write the names down of the first 21 people you can think of (no repeats), and then answer the questions. Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them. 1 LIAN 2 FENFEN 3 Justin 4 dear<3 5 Jovina jie 6 amelia baobeiix 7 rebecca baobao 8 junkang baobeiix 9 huishan 10 joshua 11 jiaqian jie 12 jordan 13 jiayu 14 mevis buddy 15 peiling buddy 16 yunhan 17 seychee darling 18 ruixiong bro 19 chongyan bro 20 weilun 21 davy korkor Questions: *How did you meet 7? 7 rebecca sec one and 2 classmate :D *What would you do if you had never met 15? 15 peiling Quit art class earlier. *What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? 1 Seowrong20 weilun OHMYGOD, PERFECT. haha. okay lah, later jj kill me. =X *Have you ever seen 17 cry? 17 seychee NOPE, WHO DARES TO MAKE MY DARLING CRY LAH. haha *Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? 16 yunhan 4 dear NO! He's mine! BLEAH. *Do you want to be 13's friend forever? 13 jiayu Uhhuh! my dear junior! :D *Do you think 11 is attractive? 11 jiaqianUhhuh! so cute! haaha *What’s 5’s favorite color? 5 jovina Uhhh.... *When was the last time you talked to 9? 9 huishan Last volleyball training lor, PIAKPIAK ;D *What language does 8 speak? 8 junkangCOMPUTER LANG. haha *Who is 13 going out with? 13 jiayu SHE SImply refused to tell me. =x *What grade is 16 in? 16 yunhan my grade lor. laughs *Would you ever date 17? 17 seychee Of cas, my boyf liao wor! *Where does 18 live? 18 ruixiong -sighs- sweden *Have you ever kissed 2? 2 peiwoon HELL NO! haha. *What’s the best memory you have of 5? 5 jovina WHOOPER LOADS OF FRIENDS AND WHOOPER PRETTAYE :D *When’s the next time you’re going to see 4? 4 dear VERY SOON. I HOPE =x *How is 7 different from 6? 6 amelia 7 rebecca one damn hot one damn cold(cool). *Is 2 pretty? 2 peiwoon yeah, plus abit of fats here and there. (PW SO GONNA HACK ME INTO PIECES) CHILL LAH, I PRIVATE MY BLOG. RMB? *How did you meet 3? 3 justin Primary school classmate ;D *Is 15 your best friend? 15 peilingUHhuh! BEST BUDDY! *Do you hate 12? 12 jordan I do, at times! but we're still good friends right? -Winks- *Have you seen 18 in the last month? 18 ruixiong no D: *When was the last time you saw 16? yunhan Last month, at plaza sing. *Have you been to 5’s house? 5 jovina Yeppsyepps! *When’s the next time you’ll see 10? 10 joshua Next JVS year I suppose. *Are you close to 11? 11 jiaqian KInda. WHEEEE :D *Have you been to the movies with 4? DEAR! Of cas lah, like uhh, so many times. xp *Have you gotten in trouble with 8? 8 junkang No bah. ahaha. *Would you give 19 a hug? 19 chongyan Uhh, maybe when I score as well as he does. *When have you lied to 3? 3 justin No reason to lie to him lehh. *Is 11 good at socializing? 11 jiaqian Yepps! :D *Do you know a secret about 8? 8 junkang I WANNA KNOW! HE refused to tell me. =x *Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. 12 jordan 18 ruixiong TOTTALLY NO LINK AT ALL. *What’s the best thing about your friendship with 9? 9 huishan We make fun of each other, ahah we gossiped we play volleyball tgt .EVERYTH's great! *What’s the worst thing about 6? 6 amelia NOTHING. LOLS I LOVE HER! *Have you ever had a crush on 12? 12 jordan HAHAHAHAHA *How long have you known 2? 2 peiwoon 2 years I guess. *Have you ever been in a fight with 13? 13 jiayu NOPE! *Does 11 have a bf/gf? 11 jiaqian SOONSOON I HOPE. hehhheh *Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? 1 Seowrong I wouldn't dare to. *Has 21 met your mother? 21 davy Yepps, quite alot of times ler lor . *How did you meet 11? 11 jiaqian Primary school classmates *Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? 3 Justin I doubt so. volleyball have not? no bah. *Do you live close to 7? 7 rebecca Far lor. *What is 8’s favorite food? 8 junkang COFEEE *What kind of car does 1 have? 1 Seowrong uhhh, NONE. *Have you traveled anywhere with 9? 9 huishan LOL, from my house to hougang counted not? heh heh *If you gave 14 $100, what would he/she spend it on? 14 mevis GO shopping tgt! :D |
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