Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I miss dear
BOO, feel so weird not texting dear like every few hours.
Keep checking my phone, heh heh heh.
Hoping he'll be texting me really soon.
Now 9pm liao lerh, think he'll only be back super late, or maybe tmr?
blahs, so sad. I bet he's damn tired too. MISSES. >_>

Today's such a slack day.
Jiali's even guai-er today. Totally neh fold skirt at all. Pin up my hair.
heh heh heh, and I got listen attentively in class lor!
Write notes somemore. GUAI right.
Only bad thing is that I didn't hand in zuowen. So hard lah, dowan do!
Played volleyball after school today. Attendance damn good, just nice 12 to play match.
Then me lian and gen went library do hw. ohmygod, I teach sr maths!
For the first time lah, damn scared teach wrong. =X

home yay.
Getting Jersey on friday.
Prayprays that I get a really really nice number!
Sunburnt! =X

Previous Posts:
photos! WOOTS wedding dinner. First day of school. GUIDE TO OWNAGE in JC. photos! 2009 last day of the year. QUIZ! IP MAN
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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