Saturday, January 3, 2009
wedding dinner.
WhoOshh, Can't go out today.
BOO. >_>

Yesterday was whooper fun though. hahaahaha.
woke up super early in the morning go tuition with my buddy. :D
Both of us didn't want to go lor, just that we both thought we both going then we go.
LOL lah, ended up yawning like mad at Uncle Peter's house. Mevis just sleep on the table. lOl.
Went home, lunch, sleep.

Then went Diana Cuzeen wedding at night. Saw so manymany people I haven't seen for whooper long! hahahaha, got that super dao weijie. WALAO EH, I say hi then he dao me. Then got ahdi and ahqiang korkor. ahqiang korkor like damn long never see him liao lor, he changed alot. hahah, last time nicer though. So sad, heh heh. Then my aunt say I love to chase him when we were young. laughlaughs, so long ago! And chenxi and kangyan korkor. Aiyah, they still the same lah. One so cool one so cute. heh heh heh. and ahneh jiejie. Ohmygod, CHIO. shall upload pictures really soon :D

My ahgong making fun of everyone there lah. SO Funnaye. hehhheh. then we counting the number of grandchildren they have. WOOOTS.
27 grandchildren and 3 greatgrandchildren! So many liao! hahahah
Number of cuzeens I have Mother side: 23 number of niece:3
Father side. Even more scary, don't know how to count sia. =x

Blahblahs, shall upload the photos first then cont mumbling about my family ;D
heh heh heh

Dear's really sweet this few days.
YAY. hahah, sorry leh, can't go out today. =X


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First day of school. GUIDE TO OWNAGE in JC. photos! 2009 last day of the year. QUIZ! IP MAN VOLLEYBALL BLAHBLAH MERRY XMAS!
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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