Thursday, June 24, 2010
Can you keep a secret?
cas' i can. haha.

just had my haircut:D:D:D
there's so many people commenting on my hair recently.
LOL, I KNOW, so long right!
heeehee, can't bear to cut it short now..

today's one of those rare days i stay at home.
LOL. cas' im broke ever since i lost my SPONGEBOB.
))): FML.
my daddy just gave me 50dollars and i lose it the next day.
damn emoooooo.
and ssorry shuwei )): lost the spongebob you gave )))))));

anyway, i'm spamming songs now ;P
realise idk so many chinese songs lol.
must gear up for the next KBOX session XD

he rocks lol.
love those rocker voice :p

but the chinese so chim.
omg, idk so many words,

Previous Posts:
So class outing turned into clique outing eh? LOLw... KAKA'S AWWWEESOMMMEE :DDD(L):Dthank god physics le... Kissin' youSparks fly, it's like electricityI migh... why'd i lie. dots night out Sometimes, it's so much easier to pretend that you... worldly cup! the truth about forever tears swelling one last time HEYLO :Dbeen a long time since i last blgoged. kin...
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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