Friday, July 10, 2009
E-learning day!
E-learning day! Damn, too broke to go out.
Ohwell, stay-at-home-study/(facebook)- day!

Hahaha, Shuwei just told me that the Aldo heels I've always wanted 50% off.
$117.50 NOW
Damn. When I'm so broke now.
No more shopping for Jiali.
For the time being.

And more art and study time!!!
Gahhs, I need motivation.

Hey people play rock legends! :D
Wahaha, facebook is so Addictive.

Previous Posts:
Our destiny intertwined. HELLO time for a change! sportscamp@ lakeside p Heylo people,I know I haven't been posting for a r... poof HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAREST-ZhengXi-AND LIAN!!! So s... Pulau Semakau Hello Home :D
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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