Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I need starbucks!
Heels has always been girl's best friend.
Ohmygod, desperately wants to go high-heel shopping with volleyballers!

Currently mugging for physics though I kinda gave up hope.
Anyways, I joined twitter just cas of fenfen. YAY.
hahaha. Tweettweet.

Can't believe another day just passed.
I've just wasted another day instead of art! D:
School was all the same. Nothing exceptionally funnaye happened.
Went eat lunch with Lian. Tio pangsehhed after that cas boyfriend is definitely more important than teammies. Waited for fenfen to come and went to her house to mug. Her boyfriend pangsehhed her so she accompanied me. Another case of boyfriend first teammies don't know where.
PloxPLox. Had dinner at fenfen's house. Mug abit more. Listened to how she picked fight with boyfriend. Went home.

YAY. Here i am.
It amuses me when couples could pick fight so easily when some people makes me can't even bothered to do so. Not trying to be mean here but yeah, that's how I felt.
Maybe you can try being a snub. Seriously, from my point of view and from most of my girlfriends, girls generally prefers the "bad guys". Girls would rather get snubbed at rather than having a guy whining before we started whining and says "I can't live without you all the time".
Like come on lah, who on earth can accept that. Maybe there are people who can. Definitely not me.
Speaking of that, ohmygod, guys who snubs are so cute lol!
Okay, maybe it depends on situations but yeah, he's like that!
Girls would definitely put up a strong front, trying to argue their way through.
But deep down inside, awww, they'll be saying " Awww, he's so cute!"
Oops, leaking too much of girl's stuff i guess.

That's just it. Back to mugging mode ;D

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