Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Jiali is late for the third time this term day.
Ohgreat, this term has barely started and I'm late three times.
This means that I can't be late anymore D:

Damn, anyways something really happy.
JIALI GOT 40/40 for maths!
Happy things just keep coming nowadays ;D

Then had some SC campaign thing.
Ohshoot, shouldn't have voted for chikan right.
Oi, how long you take my acrylic paint liao sia.
Are all Rv Volleyball guys like that.
Lent two times two times never get back.
Leung Chikan you heard that yeah. ><

Then went JP and had KFC the third time for the week.
(Note today's wednesday =X)
With Mama, Papa(Kendrick), Jason and Jeff.
Went Jeffry's house and watch the guys game.
It's kinda lame but the killing part is so cool lOl.
I think the more i go out with that bunch of guys the more saddistic i get.
Damn. Anyways, buck up lah kendrick.
Hahaha (I know you read my blog at times)
Kill people not very hard sia.
Tahahahahaha ;D

Time to mug PHYSICS!
So sorry mr SEE-TOH (Like how Danni calls him)
I have to chiong physics instead of art now.
After physics will chiong art.
I swear.
Well, bear with me tmr.
So sorry. heh heh. BYE.

Previous Posts:
I need starbucks! Harry Potter :D ahhcrapp! I (L) Kim Bum Early Bird :D I love you, man! JCS :S E-learning day! Our destiny intertwined. HELLO
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I'm really happy with life now, and you should too :D
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